one shot

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Again something new that I thought of ....this doesn't relate to the story I just have a huge writers block about it so I decided to do this one as an apology sorry guys >.< I'm a horrible author
(Y/N) was the newest addition to the Xiaolin family. Formerly a master at her own temple in (Your Country), she had travelled to China as requested by Master Fung to help train the four talented monks to become Xiaolin warriors.
She had been greeted warmly by the youngsters who found her a refreshing change of pace in their rigorous training routines. Kimmiko was delighted to have another woman around and enjoyed sharing her hairstyling techniques with (Y/N). Omi couldn't get enough of (Y/N)'s many battle stories, for in the past she had been a great warrior who fought alongside Master Monk Guan for a time. Raimundo on the other hand swapped jokes with his new mentor and was relieved to finally be able to speak to somebody who understood his slang and actually presented a challenge when they played soccer. While Clay was continually impressed with (Y/N)'s knowledge of country cooking. At times he could swear that she had stolen his mothers prized recipe for the best barbecue ribs. And after only a few days, (Y/N) became accustomed to her new role and began to enjoy her time there.

It was before dawn when (Y/N) arose to begin her  daily ascent into the mountains. She enjoyed the brisk morning air and the challenge the steep hills presented her body as she climbed to the top as quickly as possible. From there she could meditate and watch as the sun rose and life in the temple began to stir. Even from here she could hear the young monks moaning at their early wake up call by Dojo and it left a soft smile on her face. Returning to her meditations (Y/N) focused her conciseness out into the world, searching for any impending danger.
Ever since she had arrived, (Y/N) had sensed a dark presence over the land, but could not quite pinpoint where it derived from. It wasn't, however, the darkness that had piqued her interest so much as it was the familiarity of it. She knew that she had come into contact with this force before but despite her many enemies, (Y/N) could not decide which one it could be. So she remained ever vigilant, and searched for any change in the dark source. So far, there had been none.
Reining in her conciseness, (Y/N) proceeded back down the mountain and with the sun ascending into the sky, she joined the young monks for breakfast. 

"Tell me Master (Y/N). What might you teach us today?" Omi asked eagerly as the group followed her outside. "Perhaps you shall teach us how to split a mountain in two? Or become invisible? Oh I have always wanted to become invisible!"
(Y/N) smiled at her students persistence. "As I recall Omi, it is Clay who possesses the power over earth. And it is the Shroud of Shadows that makes you invisible."
"But what about all those stories you told us?" Raimundo asked. "About how you split the mountain in two to get to your enemy or how you became invisible to sneak up on an opponent?"
"Merely parlor tricks" (Y/N) confessed to them. "I do not possess supernatural powers as the rest of you, but I can create illusions." suddenly (Y/N) disappeared before their very eyes.
The monks looked around astonished. (Y/N)'s voice projected to them "Your challenge today is to find me. I warn you, it will not be easy. Not everything is as it seems. Each of you may choose one of the Shen Gong Wu that I have provided. Good luck young monks."
"Well if she ain't slipperier than a greased hog." Clay scratched his head as the four of them approached the Shen Gong Wu displayed in the middle of the court yard.
"I got dibs on the Falcons Eye!" Raimundo shouted before grabbing it.
"Hey! I wanted the Falcons Eye." Omi pouted.
"I got the Changing Chopsticks!" Kimiko claimed her Wu.
"But I wanted those second." Omi tried to point out.
"Third Arm Sash!" Clay grabbed his prize and took off.
"Wait I-" Omi called after his friend and realized that he was the only one left standing there. He sighed and looked down at the last Wu available, the Reversing Mirror. "Well I suppose this will have to do" and he set out in search of his mentor.

"Falcons Eye!" Raimundo cried as he began to search the premises. Instantly the walls inside the temple disappeared and he could see into every room. "Yuck!" Raimundo stuck out his tongue as he saw Master Fung bathing, and he turned his sight away. Suddenly he spotted his target meditating in the Vault room. "Gotcha!" Raimundo smiled to himself and ran to the vault.
He crept silently up to the door, not wanting to give away his position and peeked around the corner. There, in the center of the room sat (Y/N) with her back turned to him. Grinning at his victory Raimundo leapt at the figure "I" Raimundo tumbled into a scarecrow dressed in (Y/N)'s usual (Style) clothing.
Suddenly mirrors began to appear around the room reflecting (Y/N)'s image. They began to spin around and around Raimundo confusing him further. "Did you really think it would be that simple?" (Y/N)'s voice chided him. "Come now Raimundo, give it another try. Find me."
Raimundo launched at the nearest mirror, shattering it and wounding his knuckles. (Y/N) tutted at him. "What's that, 7 years bad luck?" she asked.
"Ah come on. This isn't fair!" Raimundo called as he spun around, searching for the original.
"Use your instinct Raimundo. See through the illusion." (Y/N) coaxed him.
But as hard as he tried, Raimundo couldn't tell which mirror she was hiding in. Becoming frustrated Raimundo poised for attack.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." (Y/N) warned.
"Typhoon Boom Wind!" Raimundo shattered all of the mirrors in the room. As the glass exploded, the shards whizzed at his body, cutting Rai in a million places. Drained of energy and in pain, Raimundo collapsed onto his back. Looking up he saw his mentor, perched on the ceiling with several mirrors of her own to project her image below.
Smiling, (Y/N) jumped softly to the floor and stood over her student with her hands on her hips. "You are much too impulsive young monk. You must learn to think through your actions."
Exhausted, Raimundo simply closed his eyes and slept.

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