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You hit the ground hard, your shadow slicer leaving you to join the golden headband in Jack's hand. You grimaced in pain as it flooded through your head. There would definitely be a large bump there later.

"Haha! Losers! No one can beat me! Jack Spicer!" Jack laughed before he flew away. You picked yourself up off the ground to find that the others had made a semi-circle around you. They all glared at you.

"I believe that you are clumsier than my great aunt May at a hoedown." Clay said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I agree, it would not be hard to believe that you have two right feet." Omi said.

"Two left feet." Reimundo corrected. Kimiko rolled her eyes at the two.

"I can't believe that you lost to Spicer. Spicer! Of all people!" she scolded you. Dojo looked like he wanted to cut in, but was scared that he'd be scolded too. To get you out of their abuse, he quickly grew and told everyone to get on. You sat as far back as you could, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall. Dojo would glance back at you every now and then, worried about you.

When you all arrived back at the temple, you quickly retreated to do your chores, not allowing the others a chance to scold you any more than they had. You cleaned Dojo's cage, swept the entire temple, and weeded the garden.

The others were training together, so you were able to slip away to the waterfall that wasn't too far away. You needed some time to yourself, and the waterfall was the place that you liked to meditate at most. Just sitting under it and letting the waters wash away the negative. The sound of it rushing by your ears helped your mind to go blank, and also to block out any outer sounds that may interfere.

However, it wasn't always a good thing. You tended not to notice too much as you meditated. Like when you didn't notice a shadow appear behind you behind the waterfall. Or when you didn't notice the hands that reached through the waterfall to grab you and take you to who knows where.


Back at the temple, Dojo approached Master Fung on the subject of you.

"Master Fung, I need to talk to you. It's about [Name]." Dojo said, fiddling with his tail. Master Fung set down his tea cup and turned his attention to the dragon.

"What about [Name]?" he asked. Dojo hesitated for a moment before telling Master Fung what he had noticed.

"The other warriors don't seem to be supporting [Name] very much, and they don't seem to respect her either. I know she's new and not as advanced as the rest of them, but they should try to help her instead of scolding her." Dojo explained. Master Fung's face fell, and he started to worry about you.

"I will talk to the warriors about this over dinner. Until then, please keep an eye on them and how they interact with [Name]." Master Fung said. Dojo nodded and left to go find the others. When he did, he noticed that you weren't around. He was a little worried, but knew you were probably in the kitchen cooking dinner. The sun was going down, so he didn't fret it.


You blinked away the darkness as water dripped down your face. Lifting your head slowly, you looked around your settings. It was dark, and moist, and you could see green and gold eyes looking at you through the darkness.

"I see you're awake." a deep, silky voice said through the darkness. You gasped, having heard that voice only a few times before, but still knowing who it belonged to. You were scared for a moment, then it just left you. It was weird and unexplainable, even to you, but you just weren't scared.

Chase came out of the darkness to look at you as you hung by your arms that were chained to two pillars. You took this time to get a good look at him, not really having the chance in your previous encounters. His long black hair looked silky and well taken care of. His pale complexion contrasting deliciously. You now understand Jack's obsession with the ancient war lord. He was gorgeous.

"Sorry that I interrupted your meditation, but I doubt you would have come willingly." he explained as he paced in front of you, never breaking eye contact.

"What do you want?" you asked, getting straight to the point. Chase liked that.

"Straight to the point then. I simply need you as a hostage, so I can lure the other xiaolin warriors here to destroy them." Chase smirked as he observed your reaction. Your face saddened, but not for your comrades.

"They won't come." was all you said. Chase was confused.

"What?" he asked, stepping up to you, looking you in the eye intimidatingly.

"They won't come. They probably haven't even noticed that I'm gone." you said, sorrow and hurt in your voice. Chase frowned deeply and walked away from you, back into the darkness.

"We'll see." was all he said before he left.


"Hey, it's getting kinda late, when's dinner?" Raimundo asked as the sun finally disappeared behind the mountains. Everyone paused and realized that dinner hadn't yet come, and they were all getting hungry.

"Let us go see if it is ready." Omi suggested. Everyone agreed and headed toward the kitchen. When they arrived, they saw a panicked Dojo flying around frantically as he tried to cook something for everyone.

"Dojo, what in tarnation is going on?" Clay asked, looking around at the mess that was the kitchen. Dojo paused for a moment, looking at the warriors.

"Sorry guys, but dinners going to take a few minutes. I don't usually cook." he said before returning to the cooking. The warriors looked at each other confused.

"If you don't cook the food, then who does?" Kimiko asked.

"[Name]'s usually the one who cooks." was all Dojo said as he continued to cook. The warriors were surprised. You had been cooking all the food?

"Then where is she?" Raimundo asked. Dojo sighed and shut off the stove.

"She went off on her own after we came back from the showdown. She seemed upset, and I don't blame her." Dojo said, giving them all a look before turning back to the food.

"I would feel bad too if I had lost to Jack Spicer." Omi stated as he moved through the kitchen to observe the food that Dojo had cooked. It all looked like grey mush, and not very appetizing.

"Oh I'm sure that's not all that she was upset about." Dojo muttered, but everyone else heard.

"What do you mean?" asked Kimiko. Dojo slammed a bowl of darker grey mush onto the counter, and turned to glare at them.

"I mean that none of you respect [Name], or even try to help her improve. You just laugh in her face, or scold her. You all should be ashamed of yourselves." Dojo scolded them before he moved the food to the dinner table.

All the warriors stood there in shock. They had never seen Dojo that angry at them, and they started to respect you a bit more as they realized that you were the one making all the delicious food.

"So that's why she was always the first at the table." Raimundo said. Everyone nodded before moving to the dining table to eat the gruel that Dojo had made. All their faces turned green when they took their first bite.

They missed your cooking already.

CHASE YOUNG x READER (TO THE DARK SIDE)Where stories live. Discover now