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          JORDAN FOLLOWED GENERAL Hux through the main docking bay of Vardos to a transport. Jordan knew now more than ever he couldn't reveal his identity. Hux would think he was spying for the Resistance to get information and he would be killed instantly – and his new friends would be too. Instead, Jordan followed compliantly – he would do this job and then leave, he couldn't put himself at risk by hanging around a group of mercenaries that worked for the First Order. 

          Hux led them into the transport and once they were all inside, the doors slid closed and the transport made its way through the central part of the city. Jordan looked out the window and saw the blur of red and black. Once the transport had stopped, they stepped out, Jordan saw that they were at the tall citadel-like building and followed Hux inside. He walked beside Silas and behind Jase and Astra, he looked at Silas and Silas looked at him. They were both slightly nervous but both were trying to hide it.

          The group made their way into the building and travelled in an elevator to the top floor. When they stepped out, they had a view of the entire city. And it was undeniably beautiful, but Jordan couldn't help but think of how cold it looked. So much order it was almost suffocating.

          The group gathered around a large circular hologram projector that was situated in the centre of the room. Hux standing by the controls as Jase, Astra, Silas and Jordan were spread out on the opposite side of the circle.

          "Firstly, I'd like to congratulate you on your last mission, you stopped a large shipment of weapons and food from reaching the Resistance and captured several pilots and workers who gave up information that helped us ambush a small pocket of Resistance members." Hux complimented. Jordan tried to hold his tongue. Those were his friends. His family. His mom had to work overtime at the infirmary to treat the people they hurt in the ambush.

          "Your next mission is to foil a Resistance plan and take prisoners." Hux continued.

          "Seems easy enough." Astra said.

          "Simple yes, but the Resistance plan is to free workers of Ryloth who are harvesting mineral for our ammunition, so there will be other bodies involved. You are under strict orders not to harm the workers. We cannot afford to lose the slaves. Once you foil their plan of freeing the workers, you must take the Resistance workers prisoner – they will be executed and made examples of." Hux explained.

          Jase, Astra and Silas nodded. Jordan couldn't help but clench his jaw and grip the edge of the hologram projector. They wanted to stop the freeing of slaves and kill his friends. It took every ounce of strength not to jump over the projector and strangle Hux. But he had to maintain his anonymity, so he bit the inside of his mouth to keep from saying anything.

          "Our intel says they plan to do this tomorrow night, so you must travel to Ryloth later today. These—" Hux said turned on the hologram which zoomed in on Ryloth, a red dot indicating a location of some underground tunnels. "—are the coordinates of where the Resistance aim to intercept fleeing slaves. Scope out the area and remove any complications that may hinder your ability complete this mission successfully. Then, tomorrow night, you will capture the Resistance fighters and return the slaves to their compound for punishment." Hux said as he closed down the hologram.

          "You will be given a copy of this hologram which contains the plans, maps and locations of the area. I remind you not to harm the workers. Try to avoid killing any of the Resistance members, but if you must – make sure it's because there are no other options or they somehow escape."

          Jase nodded his head. "And our payment?"

          "You will receive it once you've successfully completed this mission. I or one of my officers will come to Ryloth to confirm you've been successful and give you your payment of 70,000 credits."

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