Wedding Day

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Jacksons pov:
Dylan and I are getting married. I've been waiting for this day to come and it finally happened! We hired someone to film our wedding. I'm finally gonna marry the love of my life! I'm so happy I could cry. I have my suit ready and off we go. I'm s9 nervous.

Dylan's pov
I'm getting married today!! I bet I'll cry which is 100% going to happen. I'm all dressed up and ready to go. Ugh I'm so nervous.

Time skip to when Dylan sees Jackson

It was time for Jackson to walk down the aisle. I see him and I cry and do did he. Ugh he's so precious.
Time skip to the I do' s and donts)
"Do you Dylan Gieck take Jackson Krecioch as your lovely wedded husband,"
I do
And do you, Jackson Krecioch take Dylan Geick as your lovely wedded husband?
I do
You may now kiss the groom.
I pull Jackson into a kiss and we walked down the aisle.
"We're finally married" I spoke
"And we're happy"
"I Love you"
"Love you too"
Off to our honeymoon. We're going to Hawaii.

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