What is Wicca?

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This is my description of Wicca, my personal description and how I follow it. Others follow Wicca and believe differently. We all walk our own respective paths and sometimes they take different twists and turns. It is not my place, nor is it anyone else's place, to judge anyone's path in life.

Wicca is a ditheistic/polytheistic nature religion, meaning that there are two or more deities. There's the God and the Goddess. You choose who you worship. Some choose to simply call them the Lord and Lady, some choose the Great-Horned God and the Triple Goddess. You can also choose from other parts of mythology, or simply worship Mother Earth. I currently don't have a patron God and Matron Goddess. I call on whoever is needed at the moment. I am leaning towards the Goddess Bast as my matron goddess though. Through meditation I will find who I am being called to. We also choose our element, fire, earth, water, or air. If you can't or don't want to choose, you could just worship the interconnected-ness of the universe. Some Wiccans are practicing witches, like me, but not all are. We are able to do Magick. It is spelled Magick instead of magic in order to differentiate it between the performance magic and illusions. Wiccans also follow the three-fold law, meaning that whatever you do, be it good or bad, comes back to you three times. We follow the Wiccan Rede, which basically says "An ye harm none, do what ye will."

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