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          Divination is defined by Webster's New World Dictionary as: “The art or practice of trying to foretell the future or explore the unknown by occult means. A Prophecy; an augury.” There are an enormous variety of techniques for attempting to foretell the future. Some include: 

Astrology- This is the concept that one's future is dependent upon the location of the sun, moon and planets at the precise time of a person's birth. 

Bird organs- The ancient Romans would prophecy the future on the basis of the internal organs of birds that had been sacrificed for the purpose. 

I Ching- This is an ancient Chinese oracle book which can be used to foretell the future, answer questions, etc. The practitioner generates a number from 1 to 64 by selecting sticks, or casting dice or coins. The oracle book assigns different meanings to each of the numbers. 

Numerology- This is the practice of assigning a digit to each letter in a person's name, and deriving a series of numbers which have special significance to the person. 

Palm reading- A person's future is foretold by observing the creases in their palm and shape of their fingers. 

Runes- These are a group of from 16 to 31 (typically 26) letters of an ancient Northern European alphabet. The letters are inscribed on small rocks or pieces of paper or plastic. The runes are cast, and the future foretold from the runes that land inverted and not inverted, as well as from their location. 

Scrying- This is a technique of producing visions of the future by gazing into a crystal ball, black mirror, bowl of water, hot coals from a fire, etc. 

Tarot cards- This involves fortune telling through the use of a pack of 78 Tarot cards. The cards are shuffled; a few are dealt and laid in a specific formation (circle, cross, square, etc.). The cards are interpreted according to their intrinsic meaning, as modified by the significance of their location. 

Teacup reading- The future is predicted by the shapes formed by tea leaves after a cup of tea has been consumed. 

Other methods- Future events have been predicted through the use of dice, dominos, dream interpretation, pendulum movements, playing cards, various trance techniques, etc. 

          Crystal Balls can be used as oracles of divination by those who are clairvoyant. They come in many sizes, shapes, colors, types of crystal, with varying inclusions that sometimes allow a psychic to see things within the images created by the crystal itself, or more to the point, use of a clear quartz crystal ball with few inclusions or imperfections, and watching holographic images appear within. "Within what?" you ask. Within the psychic's mind as guided by spirit or the client's soul imprint. 

          Psychics are generally attracted to the crystal ball they will use, based on the frequency of the crystal. As with any crystal, the larger the crystal ball, the stronger the energies and viewing area. Gazing into a clear crystal ball opens the third eye and allows the psychic to see images. 

          As with all crystals that come into your life, the right crystal ball just seems to call to you. There is something in the frequency of the crystal that feels right. It is best to see and hold the crystal ball before buying it, rather than shop it online. After selecting your crystal ball, take it home and clean it. I use mild soap and water then place it in the sunlight and moonlight to energize. Other psychics have their own methods for cleaning and clearing crystals. 

         Next, place the crystal ball on a stand on a table that has a clear surface. To begin the reading, some psychics have rituals, while others, such as myself, just gaze into the crystal ball and wait for images to appear. These images are produced by the third eye of the psychic. Images within the crystal ball may appear as stationary or move around as if viewing a hologram. Two people gazing into a crystal ball at the same time, may see different images. 

          As with all forms of divination, images often appear as archetypes, whose interpretation is left for the reader or the person having the reading. The larger the image appears in the crystal ball, the closer the timeline for it to manifest in third dimension, and the more significant the information. Images my appear stationary, or move about. They may appear two dimensional or holographic. If you cannot 'see' anything in the crystal ball at first, be patient and keep trying. At the very least a crystal ball will bring energies to the room in which it is placed.

          A Ouija Board (often pronounced "wee-gee" or called weegee box) is any flat surface printed with letters, numbers, and other symbols, to which a planchette or movable indicator points, supposedly in answer to questions from people at a séance. The fingers of the participants are placed on the planchette that then moves about the board to spell out messages. Ouija is a trademark for a talking board currently sold by Parker Brothers. While the word is not considered a generalized trademark, it has become a trademark which is often used generically to refer to any talking board. In popular culture these boards are considered to be a spiritual gateway used to contact the dead; however, the only evidence for this is the various accounts of users, which have not been scientifically proven.

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