01 - Standing Out in the Rain

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I feel numb.

I don't believe it.


My phone rings. Looking at the caller ID, I see the phone hotline of the hospital. I furrow my brows in confusion. Hitting the answer button, I place the phone to my ear.

"Beam, where the fuck are you?" I wince at the loud voice of Kit on the line. I roll my eyes. This is typical of him. I chuckle before answering.

"What do you want, Ai'Kitty?" I say, making light of the urgency in his voice.

"Where the fuck are you!" he repeats, raising his voice.

"Whoa~ chill. What's with the tone?" I retort.

"Beam!" his voice is getting frustrated.

"Why Kit?" I snap back, not liking his way of communicating with me.

"Beam..." his voice shakes, "...where are you? Why the fuck is Forth here?"

That totally got my full attention.

"What do you mean?" I feel my heart beating loudly, drumming, ringing in my ears. I hear him barking orders before getting back to me.

"Why the fuck is Forth brought in, Beam? Where are you?" I can feel him trying to control his emotions. What is he saying?

"Forth? Why would he be there? He's dri—" I pause. Realization strikes me. It's the one thing I keep burying away from my thought, the one I am fearing to happen since an hour ago.

"I'm at the pub near Dr. Nathan's apartment. Please! Please ask someone to get me there." I gather all the courage I have and keep my voice from shaking. Handling this kind of situation is not a new thing, being a doctor myself. But, this is Forth. He's my everything!

"Wait for Ming there. And keep your cool. We'll do our best." He says with conviction and promise.

"Please..." I utter in a whisper. My tears fall freely. I can't just stand here.

Absentmindedly, I begin running to the direction of the hospital. It's a long way to go, but I couldn't sit there doing nothing anymore. I've waited for so long just to be greeted with this news? What a joke!

I scream on top of my lungs as the heavy rain continues to pour down. I keep my route along the sidewalk so Ming can see me easily. I know that this is stupid. I could've waited. I know it's not going to be of much help, doing this, but I continue running anyway. The rain conceals my tears. What ever kind of nightmare this is, please wake me up!

Losing my breath as I run, I remember my words to him moments ago.

"...wait for me there, Beam. I love you..."

"Want to get me home? Die trying. You're just so paranoid. I can take care of myself, Forth." he just sigh in response before saying another 'I love you'and hanging up.

He knows I didn't mean that. He shouldn't have taken those words seriously. I never want him to be in any kind of danger! I love him!

I almost trip on my feet as I try to keep my pace constant.

I'm starting to feel tired. For how long I've been running, I don't remember. I even forgot to care about my things getting soaked. I keep running until a speeding car honks at me and makes a sharp turn, stopping beside me.

Ming swings the door open and I immediately come in, shutting the door. He gives me two large towels to dry myself with.

"Thanks." I mumble numbly.

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