A fallen feather

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For a moment the silver beam was clouded and the trees searched, in vain, for the protective light, for they knew what was forseen. Shadows sucked all life from the earth and left nothing left to bloom as it thickened under the pines. One icing wind from the montain swept away the layer of hace over the moon and its light hunted away most of the shadows. A few, daring ones waited. The soft, white circle around the orb indicated on a cold night.
One last wolf howled an last warning before it joined the rest of the forests inhabitants in the safety far, far away. A tall shadow, with demons in its darkness - trying to ge out, fell over the smal cabin with one small candle shining through one lonly window, fluttering slight in the even so colder night.
The newly fallen snow crunched under his heavy boots as he closed in. The pines turned away, wispering, for never before had such pure evil ravaged in its forest. He smiled wickedly, for he knew what should happen and no one could do anything to stop it.
The frostcovered doorhandle did not bother him as he oppened the door of dead wood. Warmth collided with the biting cold of the night and the smell of old parchment and coffee washed over him.
The wind howled aggressively between the sighing trees trying to lure him away thus the baby girl was under their protection.
He made not a sound as he approached the woman passed out on the table in a tiny kitchen. Tea still warm in the cup before her. She was the most beautiful woman that walked on eart and in heaven, her striking eyes and hair that never seemed out of place. But it was not for her he had come.
Shadows followed him to the next room, even from the faint light from the singel candle his shadow seemed to create a black abyss.
A soft sound could be heard from the crib standing in the silver beam from the moon. Like a singel whiff ruffling the leafs of a summer tree.
His dark silhuett towered over the child, only a few months old. Her dark eyes met his, dark as the deepest abyss and with tiny green spots slowly moving around making her eyes seem to sparkle. Her fists reached up towards him as she let out the most enchanting of laughes. A clear sound, like water dripples agains crystal that made him smile without any intentions of doing so.
Before he became incabable of action he grabed the baby and held her close to his chest, she would grow to powerful forces. Forces that would be used toward him if he was not careful enough.
Without looking back they dissapeard into the night. Snowflakes whirled through the hall when he swooped over the ground leaving only one, single black feather behind.

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