Chapter 1 || Exams and Results

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I smirk as I walk over to my entrance exams zone. I start stretching and warming up before the entrance exams. "I am so ready for this!" I say to myself and then the gates open and we all stood and watched. Present Mic then yelled, "What are you waiting for!? Heros don't wait for anyone!"

We all start running and looking for robots, I said I was ready for this but I really wasn't. My Quirk doesn't work against robots, only humans. I heard a scream and turn and see a girl trapped under some rocks. I saw all the others ignore her and destroy the robots, I frown, 'some heros they'd make' I thought and quickly ran over to her. I then start moving the rocks, "can you get out now?" I ask.

The girl looked at me shocked and got out from under the rocks, "ah thank you!!" She said and hugged me quickly. I awkwardly pat her back.

"No Problem, well let's get back to the exams! I hope you pass!" I said. She let's go and nods, "mhm! You too!!" She said. We then go our separate ways. As I walked away I was thinking of a way I can destroy the robots since my quirk is useless against them. I saw some strong cord and smirk. I quickly grab it and tie it up so it's like a trip wire. I then find the nearest robot and make it Chase me, "Hey big green guy!" I yell at it. It looks at me and quickly rushes over to me, 'fuck! It's faster then I thought!' I thought and quickly ran. I slid under the cord and I looked back at it, it was so close!! I ran faster because if this worked out, the robot would trip over the wire and fall face first making it not work anymore. I was two slow though the robot trip and fell. I was going to get crushed!! Then suddenly a person quickly came in and got me before the robot fell on me.

I look at the person carrying me bridal style and raise an eyebrow. He looked at me, he had dark blue hair and glasses, "You shouldn't be so reckless next time what where you even doing?" He asked and set me down. I sigh and looked up at the tall male,

"My quirk doesn't work on robots so I'm trying to destroy them without a worked didn't it?" I said and smirked at him.

"Well you could have gotten hurt!" He said.

"Cool your jets dude. A Hero should always be willing to sacrifice themselves for good," I said. "Welp! I'm off! I hope you pass!" I said and quickly ran off.


The exams have been going on for what seems like forever. I've destroyed a few more robots in various ways and saved some more people. Then I heard a huge crash and lots of screaming. I look and see the giant 0 pointer. My eyes widened, "Holy shit," I said. Then the boy with dark blue hair and glasses sees me and runs over to me, "we have to go! This one is stronger then before!" He said. I look at it and see a girl with her foot trapped under a rock near the 0 pointer, 'I have to save her!' I thought.

"I-I can't go I have to save that girl!" I yelled and start running over to her but it was too late. A boy with fluffy green hair jumped into the air and punched the robot, destroying it instantly. He then started falling, it seems he had broken his limps. I quickly run over and catch him with the help of the girl who I was trying to save. It seems like she has some sort of levitation quirk or something?

We all head Present Mic yell, "Thats it guys! The Exams are over! And for those of you with injury's don't worry! We have our very own Recovery Girl here!" I look and see an elderly lady walking over to me and the green haired boy who I was still holding (he was heavier then I thought when the levitation girl stopped using her quirk on him.) I gently set him down and let Recovery Girl do her thing. I sigh as I watched, 'Did I do enough?' I thought.


It has been a week since the entrance exams and I've been so nervous, 'did I do enough? ; what if I don't get in? ; What school will I go to then? ; What if my classmates don't like me? ; What if they think my quirk is stupid??' I was asking myself all these questions until my mom bursts into my room with a letter,

"ITS HERE!" she yelled. I quickly sat up on my bed and rushed over to her,

"The letter!??" I asked. She nodded. I Grinned and took the letter from her,

"Let's go downstairs and see!" I said and Quickly walked downstairs, my mom followed. I walked over to the table and open the letter, inside I see a little machine thing. I pull it out and it started playing a holographic video. I quickly place it onto the table and watch it.

"Hello (Y/n) (L/n)!! We are glad to say you have been accepted into U.A. Highschool!!" All Might spoke. I grinned and started tearing up. A bunch of scores popped up and I saw myself.

Villain - Hero
(L/N) (Y/N) 15 - 35

I hug my mom tightly as All Might continued to speak, "You will be in class 1-A you barely scraped by!" He said and chuckled, I smile.

'This is the best thing ever' I thought as the video turned itself off.


Hey, Hey! I'm super excited for this Fanfic! It's been forever since I've written a Fanfic so I'm sorry if there are late updates or something. Also give me ideas for stuff that could happen!! This will kinda loosely follow the plot of the anime and maybe the manga if I get that far. I'll also try to make each chapter 900-1000 words! Thanks for reading this and goodbye for now!! >•<

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