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WARNING! Contains smut!

This isn't exactly part of the story, but my friend insisted I write a smutty part to this story. So, here it is. If you don't wanna read it, the end was the chapter before. Otherwise, happy reading!

Ian smiled, staring at his new boyfriend from across the room. Anthony was sitting on their leather sofa, playing his Nintendo DS. Ian wasn't exactly sure what he was playing, but he assumed that it was Pokémon, Mario, or Zelda, one of Anthony's three favorite games. Ian stood in the kitchen, seemingly pouring himself a glass of Coke Zero, but in reality, he was really watching Anthony.

It still totally blew his mind that they were together now. Granted, it had only been a couple days, but Ian was so happy and he was certain that Anthony was, too. He couldn't believe that a month ago he'd attempted to commit suicide. It was such a selfish, stupid thing to do and he was so thankful that Melanie had found him in time to save his life. Actually, he was thankful for Melanie in general.

The way things were now put Ian in mind of the earlier days of Anthony's friendship, back when it was just the two of them making Smosh videos for fun. Before Kalel and Melanie and before all of the hurt that he'd caused. Back then, it really was the two of them against the world as they learned how to be adults together in their little Smosh house with Charlie the guinea pig. The only real difference now was that it was the two of them with Daisy the dog and Pip the cat and that they kissed and hugged and snuggled now, unlike the years before. Actually, that was all that they'd done, despite Ian's constant attempts to get Anthony to sleep with him or at least something of the nature.

Ian watched Anthony pause his game and look up. At this, he went back to pouring his soda.

"Ian, you can stop pretending to get yourself a Coke. I know you've been watching me this whole time," Anthony pointed out.

Ian blushed. "I...I wasn't, Anthony. You're not that interesting."

Anthony shrugged. "However, I am that hot and you are so glad that I'm your boyfriend, right?"

Setting the empty can down, Ian marched into the living room. "You're being a cocky bastard, aren't you?"

"Maybe," Anthony replied, "but aren't you happy about us being together?"

"Are you?" Ian asked, grinning and sitting down beside him.

"Yeah," Anthony said, "I am."

The blue-eyed man smiled and propped his head up on his hands, elbows digging into his knees. "Me too."

And he was. More than Anthony would ever know.

But there was one thing that the two of them had yet to do and it was driving Ian absolutely crazy. No matter how much he asked, teased, or whined, Anthony woul not budge on the subject.

Ian leaned toward Anthony, resting his head on his shoulders, his mouth finding his ear. "I want you, Anthony."

Anthony smiled, closing the DS. "I want you, too, Ian."

Ian's eyes lit up and he threw his leg over Anthony, pressing his lips to Anthony's. Anthony kissed back, but pulled away before Ian could deepen it too much.

"Ant...," Ian whined.

Anthony chuckled. "Sorry Ian, but remember what I said?"

Ian frowned, looking at the carpet beneath their feet. "No," he grumbled, lying.

Anthony grinned. "Yes, you do. We aren't having sex this early because I don't want you thinking that that is all I want from you."

Ian groaned. "Yes, but I'm not going to think that."

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