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This is all JUST a story, friends.  

Now that that's out of the way…ENJOY! :)

“Day five in Hawaii!” Kalel Padilla squealed into the camera of her iPhone. “As of now, we’re in our hotel room and I’m waiting for my slow-ass husband to finish getting ready so that we can go shopping!” She placed emphasis on the word ‘husband’ to ensure that the people that would watch this vlog knew exactly what had transpired over the past few days.

In the bathroom, Anthony rolled his eyes at his new wife. He had asked her many times on the plane ride to Hawaii not to film their honeymoon. It was simply too personal of a trip to share with everyone that watched their ‘Watch Us Live and Stuff (WULAS)’ vlog channel. Obviously, he loved their fans and was thankful for each and every one of them, but he would also enjoy to have a somewhat private honeymoon. 

Of course, any chance of that happening was blown by the existence of Smosh. He’d been recognized several times on this trip and Kalel had been visibly bothered by this. For that reason, he couldn’t understand why his wife insisted on sharing every waking moment of their honeymoon with the entire world. Weren’t some things meant to be kept private? 

Sighing, Anthony stepped into the shower. As it had many days before, his mind drifted back to Ian. He just couldn’t shake the image of how sad Ian had been at the wedding. The word was that he’d even drunk himself silly at the reception, which was totally out of character. He and Ian had gotten drunk plenty of times over the years, but it was all in fun. It wasn’t like Ian to drink when he was upset. And that brought up another question: what was Ian upset about? 

Ian seemed to be genuinely happy about he and Kalel’s marriage. He even seemed to like Kalel, despite Anthony’s fear that he wouldn’t. Supposedly, Ian was ecstatic to be Anthony’s best man, though they’d discussed it a thousand times over the years. If that was the case, why had he looked close to tears in the dressing room? And why had he drunk himself into oblivion at the reception? 

These questions had been weighing on Anthony’s mind for the entirety of his honeymoon. Of course, he hadn’t shared this with Kalel, as it would only annoy her. Still, Ian was his best friend in the world and he was worried about him, which explained why he’d called him so many times since he’d left for Hawaii. As far as he knew, Kalel had no idea about it, thankfully. That would just be another argument that he didn’t want to deal with it. Unfortunately, Ian had failed to answer any of his calls or texts and he had even gone as far as to send him direct messages on Twitter and Facebook, something he’d assumed he’d never need to do. He didn’t know where Ian could possibly be, but needless to say, Anthony was worried. 

“Anthony!” he heard Kalel call, “are you almost finished?!” 

Anthony sighed, feeling the hot streams of water slide down his back. “I jot got in the shower!” he shouted back.

In the main room, Kalel scoffed into her iPhone. “I guess we’ll have to wait a few more minutes and see what happens!” 

On the table beside their bed, Anthony’s phone vibrated, catching Kalel’s attention. She walked over and examined who was calling. 

And with a disgusted expression, she hung up on Anthony’s best friend.

I know it's short, but the next part will be longer. AND AGAIN, I don't hate Kalel. This is just a story. However, if you are a HUGE Kalel fan and can't stand the idea of Ianthony and Kalanthony 4 lyfe and all that jazz, this isn't a story that will appeal to you. So. Yeah. 

Thanks, y'all! :)

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