Just a Common Boy (2)

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 I've finally had the motivation and ideas to write a part 2 to Just a Common Girl, I'm surprised people actually like that one-shot. More like I'm surprised anyone has any interest in my writing.

  It'd had been weeks since the weirdest encounter of my life. I hadn't told anyone about the surreal experience that had been plaguing my ever thought since. Even as I wove my way through the thick crowds of market-goers dressed in variations of the color brown, my family's dog-Cerberus- padding at beside me, my head spun with assorted explanations that attempted to make more sense than my memories.

  "Miss?" I voice penetrated through my thoughts.

"Y-yes?" I shook myself back to reality.

"Are you interested in buying that fabric?" the owner of the stall I was standing by gestured at the cloth in my hands. I quickly looked down at what I was holding and thanked the fates that it was actually something I wanted and something with a bright pattern.

  "Yes, Ma'am," I regained my composer and told her how much I wanted. I dodged a bullet that time but if I didn't get my act together I could lose track of my dog or buy something that I didn't even kind of need. I mental slapped myself and checked to make sure Cerberus was still by my ankles; he was. I relaxed a little, pulled the bag with the fabric higher on my shoulder, and checked the list in my hand.

 -Cloth for Percy's shirt (check)
-Chicken feed
-Shoes for everyone
-Food for Cerberus
-Sell milk and eggs

  I skimmed over the list and stuffed it back into the satchel at my side. I merged back into the crowd and made my way over to my next stop.

  "Morning, Conner, Travis," I smiled and waved to the Stoll brothers who are not twins despite the fact that they're practically identical.

 "And a good morning to you, Madamassel Jackson," Conner bowed deeply, winking at me.

 "That is not how you say mademoiselle," I snorted at Conner's attempt at being fancy.

 "Forget him and his ignorance," Travis butted in, "what can I get you?"

   "I need chicken feed and food for Cerberus," I replied. Cerberus look dutifully up at the sound of his name, so I slipped him a treat despite the fact that he had already eaten today. 

 "Here you go, (Y/N)," Travis politely slid my order over to me, "Would that be all?"

 "I should be the one asking you that. No tricks today, Stolls?" I slowly took the bags off the counter and eyed the brothers.

 "We are feeling lenient today," They creepily said at the same time. I felt a little more unsafe about the bags, so I opened one cautiously. The bag was full of spiders. I screamed and flung the bag right into Conner's face and they both burst out laughing. After a further inspection I realized that the spiders were actually carefully molded pieces of lint.

 "Gods," I sighed leaning against the counter and trying to collect my nerves, "you guys suck. Can you please just give me the stuff I asked for and not a heart attack!?"

 Still wheezing with laughter Conner pushed the actual food over to me and I snatched it away from him, making him laugh even more.

 "Goodbye and good riddance," I attempted to be mad as I turned on my heels, hiding a smile behind my hand.

  Two seconds later I ran straight into someone and fell on my butt.

"Are you okay?" The man knelt down beside me and picked up my bags for me.

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