Chapter 2

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3rd Person

Morgan stormed into her apartment and threw open her bedroom door. She ripped her duffle bag out of her closet and started to angrily shove clothes inside. "I cant believe this." She muttered to herself. Morgan grabbed her ipod and her iPhone to take with her. She had no idea how long she would be gone so she also threw some toiletries into her bag. She shoved some makeup into a small purse and threw that into the bag as well. Morgan grabbed the zipper of the duffel bag and pulled on it vigorously. "Damn it! Shut you stupid piece of crap!" She yelled at the bag.

Morgan held open the sides of the bag and began to stomp on her personal possessions. It was a desperate attempt to squish them closer together. Morgan swore under her breath as she tried pulling the zipper again. This time it closed with ease. She snatched up the bag and threw it over her shoulder. She hurried out the door and started to go down the elevator. Morgan was so exited to finally be working with L on such an important case. But now… now she was a suspect in the very case she got butterflies over every time she thought about it. Morgan sighed and brushed a stray piece of hair from her face. "How could he even think that I… could be Kira?" She shook her head in anger.

The elevator stopped and she exited. Morgan ran down the remaining stairs that lead her out of the building. She hopped on her motor scooter and revved the engine. Her foot stomped down hard on the petal and she sped off toward the F.B.I. Headquarters.

L tapped his foot impatiently on the cold marble floor of the lobby. His eyes were set intently on the double doors that enclosed the security checking area. "She promised…" He muttered to himself. Light and Misa had already arrived with their luggage and of coarse Morgan was nowhere to be found. L ran a nervous hand through his hair and tried to relax.

Light stood with his bag slung over his shoulder. He was wearing the same brown blazer and dress pants. His face was even more serious than before as he glared at a young girl with blonde pigtails. Her features where very small and her lips were tiny and pink. She looked up at Light with goo-goo eyes and an admiring smile. She grasped Lights arm and clung onto it with all her might. Light sighed and attempted to shake her off.

"Misa let go!" he snapped as he shook his arm. But Misa had a death grip on him that she was not about to release. L rolled his eyes at them and took another bite of his cake.

Minutes later Morgan burst through the doors, dragging her duffel bag behind her. She stalked up to them and threw her bag on the ground. L glared at her as he finished his cake. She huffed.

"I'm here Ok!" She snapped. L put his plate down and hopped off of the chair.

"Yes but you are over and hour late." He said with his eyes fixated on her. She shrugged.

"Hey Light" He responded with a nod and a smile. Misa released Lights arm for a moment and gave her a death stare. She quickly dashed over and whispered.

"Listen I don't know what your trying to pull but he is mine." Morgan looked at her confused.

"Who?" she whispered back to her. Misa rolled her eyes.

"Light, you idiot! Stay away from him…" Morgan tilted her head.

"Light? Oh you can have him." Misa looked at her in triumph

"That's more like it." She held out her hand. "My name is Misa by they way." Morgan shook her hand and said. "I'm Morgan." L interrupted.

"Now if you two are done with the introductions I would like to get you to your rooms." He sighed and put his index finger in his mouth and chewed on it. "I guess I should let you guys know that all of your rooms will be under surveillance at all times." His voice had returned to its soft tone.

"What!" Misa yelled. "Even in the bathroom!"

"Yes, even in the bathroom." L replied. Morgan put her hands on her hips.

"There is no way I'm staying here while a bunch of pervs watch me in the bathroom." She snapped. He white hair was messy from her rush to get over here but she didn't care at the moment. L sighed.

"You have no choice" He shrugged. "And we are not perverts. It will only be me and a few other agents watching on the cameras." Morgan gave up the battle and grabbed her duffel bag. She began to stomp up the stairs, dragging her bag behind her. She cursed under her breath and threw the duffel bag up a few stairs. L began to follow her.

"Come on, lets go." He ordered Misa and Light. L walked in front of Morgan and her bag and unlocked the first door.

"This is your room." He said as he held open the door. Morgan didn't say anything and threw her bag into the room. L closed the door behind her and she could hear him lock it from the outside. Morgan sighed and plopped down on the couch. She looked around the room and saw that it had a bedroom, a bathroom, and a T.V. room. The small apartment was very plain and a giant eye soar. Morgan vacantly stared at the white wall that reminded her of an asylum and began to zone out.

After a few minutes she broke out of her trance and trudged over to her bag. She quickly unzipped it and pulled out her ipod and ihome. She plugged it into a nearby outlet and blasted her favorite song. She began to dance around like she usually does when she is home alone. She waved her arms in the air and jumped on the couch. She began to sing aloud as well. In the middle of the song she heard a small noise. She looked up to the ceiling and saw a tiny camera with a blinking red light. The tiny lens twirled around, attempting to focus in on her.

"Oh shit I forgot that there were cameras." She thought to herself. Morgan blushed brightly and quickly shut off the music.

L sat down on the black swivel chair and panned through the cameras. "I'm not a pervert..." He thought to himself. He kept staring at the large computer screen when he stumbled upon Morgan's room. L started to giggle as he watched her jump around and sing a song. "She obviously forgot that I'm watching her." He talked to himself. Then she noticed that camera and immediately stopped. L began to laugh aloud and roll around in his chair. He panned through the cameras some more and realized that no one was doing anything interesting. He looked down at his watch and sighed. He slowly stood up and stalked up the stairs. He came to the first door on the right and knocked on it. A few moments later he heard Morgan's voice.

"I can't exactly open the door if its locked." L sighed and unlocked the door. He let it slowly creek open and walked into the room. Morgan was sitting on the couched curled up. She looked up at him with her stunning green eyes. L was memorized for a moment, but then quickly shook it off. He hoped on top of the couch and squatted down next to her.

"What do you want?" He muttered.

"Light and Misa are going to have dinner at my apartment, if you would like to join us." He said in the sweetest voice she had ever heard. Morgan did not reply. L sighed and put his hand on her shoulder.

"I know its hard." He whispered. Morgan sat up a bit more and looked him straight in the eyes. "Its hard to be accused of something, whether it's true or false." He moved a stray hair from her face. "If it makes you feel any better… you aren't the main suspect here." Morgan smiled a slight bit.

"I think I will join you for dinner L." He stood up.

"I'm glad to hear that.." He held out his hand and she took it. L helped her off the couch and they both walked out the door to the hallway.

~L And The Suspect~ *A Death Note Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now