~L And The Suspect~ *A Death Note Love Story*

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3rd Person

Morgan sat down on the love-seat and shifted uncomfortably. She looked around the room and scoped out the other F.B.I. agents around her. There were about 15 of them all together. "I'm the only woman once again."She thought to herself. People walked about, and made small talk, as she sat silently.

Morgan had been invited to join an elite task force to find and punish Kira. The small group was formed by the famous detective L. He has never failed to solve a case and is surely not ready to give up on this one. No one has ever seen his face, or knows his real name. But there had been rumors circulating that he was going to reveal himself at this very meeting. Morgan was exited to maybe see the elusive L's true identity.

She was deep in thought when she was startled by another agent sitting down next to her. She quickly looked to her right and saw a boy, maybe a bit younger than her, sitting quietly. He had long brown hair and looked perfectly groomed. He was wearing a brown blazer and had a very serious look on his face.

Morgan cocked her head to the side and looked at the stranger. She had always been odd and never had the best social skills. She saw his eyes flicker as he caught her gaze.

"Uh, hi." He said as he waved at her slightly. Morgan blinked and stared up at him.

"Hi there." She waved back. He gave her a funny look and replied.

"My name is Light Yagami. My father is Soichiro Yagami, he is also joining the task force." She nodded.

"I'm Morgan Kianoe." She held out her hand "Its nice to meet you light." He shook her hand.

"Same to you…. Morgan." He released her had and stared straight forward once again. Morgan tilted her head and looked up at him. Her white bangs hung in her face and hindered her gaze. So she quickly bushed them away. Light was watching her through his perifrial vision, Morgan could tell because every once in a while he would accidentaly let his eyes drift to her.

A tall agent stormed into the room with a cell phone in hand. "Quiet everyone! L is coming!" He announced. As comannded the whole room fell silent. Everyone quickly took a seat, some on the couch and some on the strewn about chairs that filled the room. Morgan smiled brightly as she was very eager to finally meet L. She had been studying his work for quite some time, and was hoping that he would be impressed with her skills.

A small creak rang out through the room and everyone directed their attention to a door on the other side of the room. Morgans eyes lit up as she saw a figure emerge from the door. She could not make out his fetures due to the shadows. She strained her eyes as he walked forward.

L was a tallish and very skinny boy around Morgans age with messy black hair. He was wearing a simple white shirt with jeans and bear feet. He slowly walked forward and stepped up onto a chair. He then squatted down on the chair and looked about the room. Morgan did what she always did when she was interested in something. She tilted her head.

L took a deep breath. "So you all know why you are here, correct?" His vioce was soft and light. she liked it.. Everyone nodded their heads.

"Why don't we go around the room and say our names. After all we will be working with eachother from now on." He said as he looked about the room. "I of coarse, am L" He looked to the man on his right. Everyone in the room began to say their names in a counter clockwise order.

They arrived at Morgans turn and she realized she was still staring at him with her head cocked. She snapped out of her trance and said.

"I am Morgan Kianoe." She smiled warmly. Everyone had stopped and was looking right at her. Including L.

"What?" she said "Havent you ever seen a woman agent before?" No one said a word and looked back at L, who was still staring at her. She looked back at him and tilted her head once again and he tilted his in the oposite direction. His dark grey eyes and her emerald green eyes met and neither could look away. There was something about him. Something that made her want to know him. To get inside his head and feel what he feels.

Light broke the scilence. "My name is Light Yagami and it's a pleasure to meet you." L nodded and broke away from her gaze. Morgan re-centered her head but did not stop staring.

After everyone was done telling their names L began to talk again. "Now lets get down to business." He brushed his bangs from his face. "Now before we begin I must warn you." His tone was very serious. "Kira is very powerful, and being on this task force will make you a target. You must be willing to put your life on the line for this case, for at any moment." He sighed. "Kira could kill anyone of us. If you are not willing to risk you life, please leave now." There was total silence as everyone looked around the room to see if anyone would leave. Morgan sat back in the love-seat and relaxed. There was no way she was leaving. Morgan has worked so hard to finally be on a case with L. A few people began to stand up and slowly walk out of the room. L caught her gaze once again, and she gave him a there's-no-way look. His eyes flickered and he looked to the other agents. A few more began to slink out of the room one after another until there were only 6 of them left. Morgan, Light, his father, two other agents, and L.

"Is that it?" L asked in a calmer tone. Everyone nodded confidently. "Very well then, we will start early tomorrow at headquarters." He hopped down from the chair and stretched his legs. Everyone stood as well and began to walk to the door. Morgan could feel L's eyes on her, but she did not look back at him.

The other agents left the room until there was only Light and Morgan were left. Light held the door for her and as she was about to exit L spoke.

"Hold on just a moment…. Light and… Morgan is it?" They both turned to face him and looked at him with curious eyes.

"What's this about?" Light asked a little bitterly. Morgan tilted her head.

"Yah, what's going on?" She said as her head hung to the side. L stepped a little closer.

"I'm going to need you two to stay at the Headquarters for a while" He put his hands in his pockets.

"And just why do we have to do that?" Light snapped.

"Because I must monitor the both of you for some time."

"Wait, are you saying that we are suspects?" Morgan asked, her head still tilted.

"Yes" L replied.

"That's ridiculous." Light yelled.

"Yah! How could you even think that! What are you thin-." She was cut off by L pressing his finger to her lips.

"It is not only that." He said softly. "I also believe that you two will be a great help in finding Kira." He pulled back his finger and Morgan blushed brightly.

"Just why do you think we could possibly be Kira?" Light asked.

"It's just that you two gave me…" L looked to Morgan. "A strange vibe."

"Can I at-least go home and pick up some clothes?" She snapped.

"Well of coarse." He replied. "As long as you promise to return to Headquarters immediately." Morgan began to walk away, but L quickly grabbed her hand.

"Promise." He said. She pulled away from him.

"I promise." She said sarcastically. She began to walk away again when L grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.

"I'm serious. You have to stay at Headquarters or I will come and find you myself." Morgan was silent. He pulled her closer.

"Promise." He said a bit more softly. She stared into his grey eyes and said.

"I promise" He let her go and turned around. L crossed his arms and began to walk to the door he came from. Light and Morgan walked out the other door.

"What just happened?" Morgan thought to herself. She shook it off and continued down the hallway.

~L And The Suspect~ *A Death Note Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now