Promoted As Secretary ;) [*~One Shot BXB~*]

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Here is my first boyxboy story! :D its pure R rated <3 it’s a short one shot :3 ENJOY!!! (I sure as hell enjoyed writing it! XD)


I closed the door behind me nervously.

My palms were sweating and slightly shaking.

I didn’t know what scared me the most. Being alone in a room with my scary boss or being called by him to have a ‘talk’.

Something told me he was going to fire me, no I was sure of it. I was good at my job but I didn’t have anything special enough to keep this job

I’m sure there would be way better people suited for this job than me.

Eyes downcast, I walked further into the silent room, careful not to make eye contact with my boss at all. I could feel his stare burning into me; it set alight my nerves, making my stomach churn with butterflies.

I gulped as I took a seat in the chair that was opposite of his desk.

I looked at my slightly shaking hands that were clenched into fists on my lap.

it stayed silent but I could still feel his gaze on me.

I jumped when he suddenly started to talk.

“Look at me James,” He demanded haughtily.

I gulped again before forcing my eyes to meet his.

I regretted it as soon as my eyes fell onto his eyes. They were a magnificent, royal blue mixed with flecks of green, naturally melting into his irises.  Suddenly I forgot to breathe as I stared at the most gorgeous man before me.

His beautiful and soft looking hair was cut neatly and short but also not too short.

His face was blank, but his skin looked so flawless and smooth. His lips were plump and pink. I wanted to bite them. I resisted the urge to lick my own lips by just thinking of kissing those sweet, delicious—

“Are you listening James?” Suddenly his voice made me snap out of my fantasies. Then I noticed that his lips were actually moving.

I blinked a few times in surprise before a small blush made its way onto my face.

Returning my gaze back to my lap again, I gulped before replying. “I’m sorry sir, could you please repeat that?”

I could hear him sigh, but he didn’t sound like he was the slightest bit annoyed.

“Look at me,” He reiterated, but this time his voice was softer, it almost melted me.

I slowly looked into his eyes again, hoping I wouldn’t get distracted again.

“From this day on you are my secretary.” He said as a glint came into his eyes.

I looked at him in surprise; did he just promote me as his secretary?

“Really?” I asked in disbelief.

He nodded his head suddenly having a small smirk on his face, something I’ve never seen before. But for some reason it made me even feel hotter than I already was.

“I will not disappoint you sir!” I beamed proudly; I was going to do everything as best as I could!

“Devin,” He corrected me.

“Devin…” I echoed, feeling slightly happier by calling him by his first name.

I stood up and shot him a bright smile. I couldn’t wait to celebrate this with my friends!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2012 ⏰

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