Chapter 6: See You Soon

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"The jury rules in favor of Carly Masters as the sole guardian of Spencer Anna Stark. Tony Stark is to have no contact with his daughter unless confirmed by Miss Masters. Court adjourned." the large man in the dark robes slammed what looked like a wooden hammer on his desk. Spencer didn't understand what was going on, but she knew it wasn't good.

"What?! You can't take me away from my kid!" Tony exclaimed. Of course, he got the one judge that money and the best lawyers couldn't buy. This judge hated him and had hated him for some time due to all the stuff he had gotten away with as a rebellious rich kid.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked, looking up at the red headed woman whose name she couldn't remember.

"Um, nothing sweetheart," Pepper, that was her name, Spencer registered.

"Come on," Carly said, walking over and taking her daughter, she gave Pepper a light smile.

"Thank you Miss Potts for watching her," she said.

"Miss Masters, are you sure you want this? Can't Tony at least visit her?" Pepper pleaded. Carly shook her head.

"I don't want my daughter growing up like that. With a father who cares more about partying and drinking than her. He's never going to change, I have to protect her," she said softly. Pepper sighed but nodded.

"Mommy," Spencer's voice was tight, "I wanna talk to Daddy," she said. Carly only shook her head.

"No, let's go," she said.

"Carly! Don't do this!" Tony begged, trying to follow them, a policeman put his hand out, blocking Tony, a warning on his face.

"Daddy!" Spencer exclaimed, Carly was quick and lifted her daughter into her arms, she was light for a six-year-old.

"It's alright Spencer," Tony called, trying to calm the child who was now panicking and screeching.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" she screeched, kicking at her mother. Carly struggled to wrangle the girl, keeping her patience as best she could.


Spencer awoke with a jolt, eyes darting around the room. Soft sunlight poured in through the curtains and she slowly registered where she was. The Barton's home. Tony was nowhere to be seen in the room. She debated digging back underneath the comforter and going back to sleep, but someone knocked lightly on the door.

"Coming," she groaned loudly, pushing herself out of bed and to the door. She opened the door to find Mrs. Barton standing there with a soft smile.

"Breakfast is ready if you're hungry," she said. Spencer nodded, running a hand through her long tangled hair.

"Yeah, thanks, just give me a second," she said, looking down at her bare arms. Laura nodded and let the door close. Spencer looked around to find her clothes from yesterday freshly washed and folded and changed into them, making a note to thank Clint's wife. When she walked out she found that the house was awfully empty.

"Mrs. Barton, where is everyone?" she asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh, you can call me Laura. The kids are at school. The Avengers left. Your dad asked me to give this to you," she said, handing her a folded piece of paper. Spencer nodded, tucking it into her jean pockets.

"They decided it would be safest if you stayed here, your dad left you some money so you could get some clothes." she continued, handing the teenager a plate covered in bacon and eggs. Spencer smiled gratefully.

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