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Spencer held her small body against the wall as she listened to her parents fight. She knew she shouldn't be eavesdropping, but she couldn't help herself, what were they arguing about? They argued a lot, but it was normally quiet bickering and that was only when they spoke at all to each other. Normally, they passed her along and avoided communication at all costs. She had grown up this way, in split homes. (When her mother had become pregnant, she told Tony, he- of course- ordered the woman to get a blood test done, and it came back positive. Since then the two, who had only planned on seeing each other that one night, tried to make co-parenting work.) This time, however, the two were in her living room having a shouting match.

"Tony, you had a party with her in the house! There were strippers! Why the hell do you think that's appropriate for our six-year-old?!"

"She was supposed to be with the nanny but she got sick! What was I supposed to do? Cancel?!"

"Yes! Because that's what you do for your children! Sacrifice! You should have been taking care of your sick daughter not partying! The fact you even have a nanny in the first place proves you don't actually care about her!"

"What do you mean?! Of course, I care about her! That's why I have someone taking care of her when I can't!"

"Tony, you only get her every other weekend and over half of it, you're not with her! I'm done with this! I'm done with you! I'm getting full custody!"

"Hell no! She's my kid too!"

Spencer couldn't help it anymore. She may have only been six; but she was smart, she knew what 'full custody' meant. Even though at that moment in time she had a fever and a tummy ache and had just been traumatized a couple of hours before when she came downstairs to find her drunk father making out with some half-naked woman, she didn't want to lose him.

"Mommy," she stepped out, teary-eyed, the two adults turned to her, features softening.

"Yes, baby?" Carly asked, crouching to the girl's height.

"Are you really gonna take me away from daddy?" she asked, a tear running down her face. Carly sighed and looked down, her black hair falling in her face. She didn't want to take her daughter away from her father, but was Tony really someone she wanted in her daughter's life?

"No," Tony said before the woman could gather the courage to reply, he got down to her level "I'm not going anywhere, I promise," he told her. Spencer nodded, wiping a tear away, before throwing her arms around her father's neck.

"I love you, daddy! Please don't leave!" she sobbed.

"I won't, baby," he said, kissing her head.

He didn't realize it was a lie. He did everything, fought with all of his power, but failed. The judge ruled in favor of Carly, he didn't even have visitation rights. He was still going to send money, but Carly moved away and hid them well, he was unable to find them. He didn't hear anything about them or from them until ten years later, a horrible day for all. 

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