Magnetic Love

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As I exhaled the smoke that filled my lungs, the intro of 'Jar of Hearts' by Christina Perri began playing.

I'm currently somewhere near Seattle, Washington. I'm at a pier and there's a Ferris wheel not to far from where I'm sitting.

As I looked around, I noticed that's it's pretty dark now and no one is nearby, it's 4 in the morning though so why would anyone want to be awake and here.

So I turned around and faced the water. As I began singing along to the song, I looked up to the stars taking them in.

The stars in the sky are like people. There are so many beautiful and bright stars in the sky, but a lot of their lights are fading as the stars are now gone, the light is just still traveling to Earth.

Just like how some people are bright, happy and as beautiful as starts. But then they die and their legacy lives on for a while until it fades to nothing.

It makes me believe that if I take a chance at music and fail, it won't be a big deal. No one will know who I am maybe a year after it happens, so why not try?

I'm just too scared to go up to a stage and song a song. It's like I'm telling people my deepest and darkest secrets.

That's basically what music is to me. It holds all of my emotions.

As I sang the last chorus of the song, I heard footsteps approaching from behind me.

"If you're here to mug me, then kill me too while you're at it." I laughed taking a hit off my joint

The footsteps seemed to run around in circles, like a small child when they get excited.

I turned around to see a stray kitten.

It must be so scared, alone, cold. I reached my hand down to the grey baby and it hesitantly sniffed my hand but then rubbed its face against my fingers.

"Hey, bud." I smiled and picked the kitten up to take him somewhere safe for now

I'm gonna assume that the kitten is a boy, I've never seen a grey cat that's female. But you never know, just because I haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I decided to take the kitten to my flat and keep em for the night until I can take him to a vet of some sort. There's an animal hospital not too far from where I live so I'll go take him first thing when I wake up.

After checking the kitten for fleas, and any bugs at all, I took him inside to give him food and water.

I grabbed a can of tuna fish and put some on a plate and filled a bowl with water. It was pretty hard not to fall though, due to him being so excited and practically climbing my legs.

"Here you go little guy." I chuckled and set him up with his food

I sat down on my bed and watched him as he ate. Such an innocent little life form.

I layed so that my legs still hung off the bed but I was on my back. I stared at the ceiling for what felt like an hour until I felt small paws on my stomach.

He circled around smelling me until settling down on top of me.

"Big meal got you tired, huh?" I smiled and placed my hands on the baby while stroking his fur softly

I felt the vibrations of his purr as I drifted off to sleep.


I awoke to the light of the sunrise. Only 3 hours of sleep, great.

I sighed and lifted myself off my bed.

I heard little paws running across my flat and I couldn't help but to smile as I saw the small kitten run to me. I might just keep him after I make sure he's healthy.

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