S1. EP6: Cameron Visiting You And Spencer

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AN- Previously on Dating A Fuller. You confessed to Spencer's twin sister and your bestie Peyton about your feelings for her twin brother Spencer.

You and Spencer have been dating behind your brother Cameron's back for awhile now. Whenever he was over you had to act like you were friends. The last time you had a boyfriend he asked him some questions and scared him off. You didn't want that to happen to Spencer because you really like him. You and Spencer were just kissing when your phone rang. You pulled away. "Spencer." You said. You grabbed your phone and answered the person on the other line which happened to be your brother Cameron. "Hey Y/N can I come by I have something to ask you." He said. "Sure." You said. Then you hung up. When you were off the phone Spencer kissed you again. While you were kissing you didn't hear the door open or close. When the door opened you heard footsteps and screams. "What is this?" He asked. This caused you and Spencer to pull away. "Cameron we can explain." You said. "Well I don't want to hear it right now I came over to ask you something but I'll just go ask someone else." He said. Then he left. After he left you and Spencer sat there looking at each other not knowing what to say. Then you started talking about your party. Then he kissed you one last time and he put on a TV show Criminal Minds and it was his episode. You watched it and then he took you up to his room to go to bed. How were you gonna explain to your brother Cameron that your dating his friend Spencer. How are you gonna make him forgive you. But mostly Spencer........

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