S1. EP4: Hangingout With Spencer And Peyton

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AN- Previously on Dating A Fuller. You and Spencer are at home waiting on Peyton and you've started growing feelings for Spencer.

As soon as you realize your feelings for Spencer you brush it off as if it's nothing. Your about to say something to Spencer when the front door opens. "Hey Peyton." You said. "Hey guys." She said. She went to go to her room where your bags are and she changed into some lazy clothes. When she came back down she came and sat down on the other couch across from you and Spencer. "So Y/N I'm dating this guy and Spencer's seen him before and he knows Cameron." She said. "That's Awesome is he like coming over or something?" You asked. "He is only because his parents aren't home and he can't be in the house alone so he's coming here until his parents call him." She said. Then she turned to Spencer. "Can he come over if that's ok?" She asked. "That's fine with me." He said. The door opens and it's her boyfriend. "Hey Peyton." He said to her. "Hi." She said. "Spencer nice to see you again." He said to Spencer. "How's it going," He said. "Good." He said. "Oh this is our friend Y/N." Spencer said. "Hi nice to meet you." He said. "Nice to meet you." You said. You guys have been talking for hours then his phone rings. "Hey guys I have to go my parents are home." He said. "See you later Spencer nice meeting you Y/N and I'll call you later Peyton." He said. Then he left. You guys then watch a movie and then you see Peyton fall asleep. After Peyton notices that she's tired in the middle of the movie she goes to her room and falls asleep on her bed. You get tired and lay your head on his shoulder and you start to fall asleep. You then hear the tv being turned off and Spencer getting up from the couch. You can feel him picking you up and carrying you upstairs to his room. When you get to his room he wakes you up so your half asleep and get into lazy clothes. When you lay your head back down after you get on your clothes your out like a light and feel Spencer pull the blanket over you. Then he kisses your forehead and then falls asleep. Maybe Spencer might be getting really huge feelings for you...

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