First Meeting

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Justin’s POV

   “Justin c’mon we have to pick up my friend Jason and get to school.” Luke yelled from downstairs, breaking me out of my negative thoughts. I looked down, my eyes widening at the sight of my bloodied wrists, red falling on the bathroom floor, staining the white tile. Shit.

   “C-coming!” I stuttered, pressing a towel to my injured wrist to make the bleeding stop. I threw on a red sweatshirt, careful not to reopen the cuts, and put on black skinny jeans along with red supras. I grabbed my MCM backpack and slung it over my shoulder, rushing downstairs to my impatient brother.

   “Damn what took so long?” He questioned, dragging me out to his range rover.

   “S-sorry I c-couldn’t find m-my p-phone.” I made a lame excuse, hoping he would drop it. He stared at me for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face, before he sighed and told me to get in the back seat.

  “Okay, lets go get Jason,” he all but squealed, making me extremely confused. Who the hell is Jason?

Jason’s POV

  “I am one sexy motherfucker.” I stated proudly as I gelled my hair up into its perfect quiff. What? I can’t help my good looks, why not embrace it. All of the sudden, my phone buzzed

Luke: Stop admiring yourself in the mirror and get your conceded ass out here!!

     I chuckled, taking my time in pulling on my shoes and grabbing my backpack. I checked to make sure I looked as hot as always, before winking at the mirror. I quickly exited my apartment, swaggering up to Luke’s car, and plopping in the passenger seat. “Sup Luke.” I nodded before noticing another person in the backseat. The first adjective that came to my mind was little. He was very tiny; he had a small frame and looked quite short. His hair was cut just above his eyebrows (2011 Justin) and he had thick eyebrows. His hazel eyes were gorgeous but looked dead, no sparkle. He had a cute button nose and chubby cheeks that you would wanna pinch to death, and a nice defined jaw line. His lips pink, full and plump just looked kissable. All in all this boy was straight up beautiful, and the most adorable looking thing I’ve seen in a while. If you haven’t already guessed it, I’m bisexual, ask me if I give a fuck about your opinion. “Oh Jason, this is Justin my little brother, he’s 17.” Luke informed me, obviously noticing my staring.

   “H-hi.” The cute boy, Justin, stuttered shyly, making me grin.

“Hey cutie, how are you?” I asked him cheekily, making him blush and look down at his lap, “F-fine.” He muttered. I looked at him thoughtfully for a second, he sure didn’t look fine. He looked a bit broken in my opinion. I looked at luke with a ‘what’s wrong with him’ kind of face, but he just shook his head. So, I decided to try and start a conversation.

    “So, Justin, what your full name?” I questioned, wanting to know more about the small teenager. He looked at me a bit strangely before answering,

“U-um, Justin D-drew Bieber, w-why?” damn, does he stutter all the time? He has an interesting name though.

  “Sorry to interrupt this game of 20 questions, but unfortunately, we have arrived at school, aka hell on earth.” Luke broke in dramatically, making me roll my eyes. I watched as Justin scurried out the car, his cute little body speed walking into the school, as if trying to avoid someone. Even though I just met him—and he only said like 8 words; I want to break down his walls, because even though he has a pretty thick mask on, you can tell hes hurting. I just don’t know to what extent. And I know I know; why does Jason Mccann want to help someone? Im not sure, and that bothers me, but –cliché- he just seems different.

    Justin Drew Bieber, I will figure you out.

Ok so hey guys! Yes I know, the first official ch sucked and it was really boring, so sorry ):. But don’t worry! I promise it will get REALLY good and alotta shit will go down (;. Enjoy, please review!

- Hannah xxx

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