Chapter 83

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A/N: Hi guys! I'm so sorry it took me this ridiculously long to post this chapter. After this awful 5H divorce, I lost my inspiration to write Camren fics, it was brutal. When things slowly started to settle, I tried to write again, because this story became too important to me to not finish it. I had, like, over six versions of this chapter, but nothing seemed right until I finally decided on this one. I doubt anyone of you even remember what this story is even about after this long hiatus, but yeah. Sorry, guys!


The annual Christmas Eve party of her parents had not changed a bit since the last time she had been forced to attend. It was as dreadful as ever. Camila let her eyes wander over the crowd of men in black tuxedos and women in various elegant dresses. It were always the same kind of people. They came from church, law enforcement or the hospital. It was the most boring evening of the year – by far.

Camila took a sip from the flute glass in her hand and fought the urge to scream out her frustrations. Not only were her shoes slowly but surely killing her, but constantly having to fake a smile was starting to strain her facial muscles. It was a Christmas miracle that her smile did not look like a grimace. She really should have pretended to have fallen ill instead of coming.

But as her gaze settled on her little sister next to some other unfortunate children a few feet away, that thought disappeared as fast as it had come. No, nothing would have made her leave Sofi again. Especially not with those people. It was bad enough that Sofi had had to endure one of those parties on her own last year.

These annual parties were not a normal Christmas get-together with colleagues and friends. Tonight was all about making connections and passing judgment upon others. The conversation topics usually varied between crime rates, upcoming cases, complicated surgeries, politics, sports, the judicial system, and – of course – gossip.

And as luck would have it, tonight the majority of guests thought that she was the most interesting topic of the evening. Where had she been last year? What was she doing? Were those awful rumors true? And weren't her parents wonderful with their unwavering support despite her controversial lifestyle? How loved she must be feeling! They were truly remarkable human beings! Saints even!

Accustomed to play the perfect daughter, Camila had answered every question as politely and patiently as possible. Even the most ridiculous and offensive ones. Would it wonder anyone that her alcohol-free champagne was in fact not free of alcohol at all? Or that she was already on her fourth glass? Probably not. Was it stupid to drink alcohol in a room full of law enforcement people? Not to mention to mix it with her medication? Camila glanced towards the chief of police on the other side of the room and took another sip. Probably yes. Did she care? Not really.

Not that her girlfriend knew this little detail, of course. Lauren was already nervous enough as it was.

"You were right," Lauren muttered beside her and sighed. "I can't believe the amount of weird comments and looks we have been receiving about our relationship. What is wrong with these people?"

"They're bored. The last time they saw a lesbian couple was probably Ellen and Portia on TV or something."

"That's no excuse. Do you see that guy over there? Near the buffet? White hair, neatly trimmed beard, a blonde woman on his arm that I hope is only his granddaughter? He's been glaring at us since we got here!" Lauren frowned. "How rude can someone be?! Mind your own damn business, you bigoted moron. I'm not judging you either."

Following Lauren's directions, Camila immediately spotted the man. It was not difficult to do so. He was one of the few people who openly showed their utmost contempt towards them. Most other homophobic guests had either kept their opinions to themselves or only talked about them behind their backs. Or gave them some backhanded compliments. As if they would not understand the true meaning behind them or notice the whispers and quickly averted eyes whenever they caught them staring. And these people were supposed to be intelligent? Camila honestly doubted that.

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