Chapter 13 - Jamie

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I had started working on the reading guides that night, going well into the hours of the night with a coffee in my hands and The Smiths playing quietly in the background through the speakers of my ancient desktop. I had started with Grapes of Wrath, intending to leave the best novel for last, and it was a diversion that kept me focused and content, even as Chad entertained a rather vocal female in his bedroom just down the hallway. She spoke a good deal, and rather loudly, but I would take cohabiting with her over Dean any day of the week.

It was Saturday morning when I finished both guides to perfection, emailing Mr. Gallagher to let him know of their completion. I was still wearing pajamas, thick flannel pajamas now that the temperature was quickly becoming unforgiving, and I started to brew a fresh pot of coffee. I heard footsteps coming from behind me, so I whirled around as I poured the water. It was the girl from last night, wearing one of my brother's shirts. She yawned at me and smiled.

"Good morning. Do you want some coffee?"

"Morning. And no thanks, it's bad for your skin." I don't know why I found that funny, but I shrugged and laughed quietly under my breath. I didn't have to help her with breakfast, because she quickly opened the refrigerator door and helped herself. Then she returned to my brother's room and my solitude was once again restored.

There was a quiet thudding on the door as I sipped, quiet enough to make me second-guess myself. I put down my mug and walked to the door when the sound returned. I looked through the glass and felt the breath in me stop, opening the door as quietly as I could.

"Hi," I greeted, a smile involuntarily coming to my face.

He grinned, the reddish glint of his hair catching gold when he looked down at me. "Hello. I was at the school when you emailed me, so I thought I'd come by to pick up the guides.

"Oh, you didn't have to. I was going to send you the email attachments anyway."

He gave me one long look. "You're right. That would've been smarter on my part."

I chuckled softly. "I'd invite you in for coffee, but Chad's here and he has a girl from school over. I'd have some serious explaining to do-"

"Explaining?" he asked, leaning now against the door frame.

"Yes. I mean, they wouldn't understand why you're here."

He scoffed. Then, under his breath, "Hell, neither do I."

"Let me get the hard copies for you. I'll email you the attachment anyway so you can edit as you like and print out the copies you need." I turned around with heat burning my cheeks and quietly walked to my bedroom, returning with his papers.

He stood erect now, watching me closely. I handed them to him, hoping deep inside myself that I appeared oppositely to the way I felt. He slipped the papers easily into his satchel.

"Don't you want to look them over?"

He shook his head a single time. "I know you did perfectly. Cece, what are you doing today?"

"I don't know. I'll probably stay home and arrange a date with Netflix," I joked.

"It's Saturday."

"Just as good a day as any," I smiled softly.

He closed his eyes for longer than would have classified as a blink. I waited expectantly.

"You're going to have to call me Jamie today." His blue eyes opened to bear into mine.

"Why?" I questioned, furrowing my brows.

"Because you're coming with me to the barbecue."


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