Again - part 2

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I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long....but it's finally here! I hope this makes up for not only my break but also CW's (UGHHH). HERE GOES....


She was numb.

The tears had blurred her vision and the feeling of falling with nothing to hold onto had clouded all her other senses so that she didn't know where she was going until she had gotten there. She  saw the familiar warm lights and blinking worn sign that confirmed her subconscious had brought her to the place where she would find refuge no matter what.

She trudged across the concrete and even in her dulled state of mind she heard the familiar tinkling of the bell on the door as she pushed it. It took her last ounce of energy to haul herself into an empty booth before the numbness broke away and her head fell into her hands. The incessant torrent of tears began to make its way down her face.

Nothing would ever be right again. And when she needed somebody the most, there was nobody. The past week had been the perfect game and she had been just a piece. Every move had hit her until she was a fragment of a person. She had lost everything.


He sat lifeless, punching the keys of his laptop. There was a cold cup of black coffee on the  table in front of him, sitting untouched. The skin beneath his eyes was was dark and sunken from sleepless nights, striking a contrast against his ghostly pale face. Fading purple bruises from Serpent initiation darkened his jaw. Despite the fact that he had found his people- a family of sorts- he felt alone.

He hadn't smiled in days.

The bell tinkled, snapping him out of his daze.

And she walked in. The girl who had, for the first time in his life, made him feel like he belonged. Made him feel unconditionally loved. And then she had broken his heart. Of course it had been too good to be true.

But something wasn't right. Anyone watching would be able to tell that there stood a girl who had been hanging off a cliff by one finger and had finally let go.

He didn't want to feel anything but his heart had other ideas.

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