The worst timing

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Previously on Daz Games x reader:
Then, I hear a door slam and peek my head outside the door to see what's happening. Daz is storming off, a angry look on his face.  What ever it is, I have to find out what is happening, I don't want to risk Daz being hurt....

I see him go to the elevator and press the ground floor. I quickly make a move and lock my room, taking my phone with me just in case. I decided it would be a bit suspicious so I took the stairs.
After rushing down the stairs I see Daz talk to the reception and nod quickly while whispering some things that I couldn't him. He nodded his head and ran to the vidcon building. What was he doing? I didn't want to look suspicious though. I would be seen as a stalker and that is the last thing I want right now. I watch him enter the building and walk leisurely behind him, follow where he was going. As I walked into the building, a bunch of fans came up to me. Worst timing but fans are fans and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. I super quickly sign some things and take some photos and explain to them that I am really busy and they understand so they go off somewhere else. I see Alfie Deyes and Zoella there too. They are standing in front of a door? It looked like they were hiding something. What could they possibly be hiding? I then see Daz go up to them and whisper something in their ear. They nods and let him in the room. What on Earth is that about? If I want to know what is happening, I have to get in the room. I have to be in the room where it happens! (if you got the reference, I love you)

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