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"Des" My current lover purrs softly to me as I enter my sleeping quarters. My head snaps toward him. "What?" Some of my annoyance from earlier leaking in.
"My,my Des, no need to snap at me." He purrs smiling at me from my bed completely bare and hard. The only reason I still keep him is because he's so compliant in bed.

I let my gaze trail over him slowly. I had thought he would had returned to his own chambers by now, but not disappointed to see him still here and ready.

I trail slowly towards him while taking off my clothes, a smirk playing on my lips to see him admiring my body with heavily lidded eyes full of lust and hunger.

"Lie down" I command. I can see his cock twitching at my command. El has always had a weak spot for me commanding him in the bed.
I flash to the bed the instant his whole body is lying down on the bed.
I let my right hand slowly trail from his high cheekbones to his chin and down to the spot on his neck were his pulse is.
I see his shiver of pleasure at my touch and smile wickedly at him. Then I reach over to the bedposts above him and cuff his hands with the chains I have attached to my bed.
I have always enjoyed having my lovers chained down during sex, and El is no different. I slowly move my leg so I'm straddling him. El is already shaking with desire for me "Please" he begs me. "Please what" I growl low "Please let me feed you" I think it over, but my eyes betray me by flashing red. Faster than he can register I'm leaning down and start licking his neck. El starts moaning and trashing underneath me. I lightly let my fangs trace over his pulse before I bite down. Rich thick blood flood my senses and I can stop the sounds of pleasure coming from me. El's blood taste delicious like the riches darkest chocolate. I could eat him all day without getting tired of his blood. I slowly reach down to his cock before gripping it tightly and leading it to my entrance. I briefly stop drinking to ground myself into him. Fuck it's so good. El starts trashing more violently and his eyes flashing red. I smile wickedly not yet lost in the pleasure of fucking him. Then I lift my wrist to my mouth and tear it open. I watch El's face as I let my blood drip all over him. His face is savage and he starts growling. I lean down and starts smearing my blood all over him, then I offer him my neck as I continue to feed from him. He viciously bites down and he all but moans as my blood hits his senses. We become a blur as we continue to fuck and drink. I trail my nails down his sides hard enough to draw blood and I can feel my climax building. El raising his hips to meet mine forcefully and hits just the right spot. I can feel his cock inside me pulsing and growing. Fuck he is big, bigger than any other lover I have taken before him that I can remember. El continues to hit just the right spot as he is feeding from me, and I can feel myself coming and crying out. I feel El coming with me as he starts to groan out my name as he comes and almost tears the chains attached to his wrists.
I lean down after coming down from my high and release his wrists. Then I collapse beside him satisfied as he struggles to sit up.
I turn my head to look at him. El has deep scratches covering both his entire back and forearms and I stop to admire my work. Looking at his back muscles move as he stretches out. I have to admit El is pretty hot for a demon also considering all his scars covering his entire body because of my father. There are some thought that I know doesn't come from father and are older, but that doesn't concern me.
Lifting my head from my silk pillows I say in a cold voice "I gave you what you wanted, now leave" El doesn't respond but I can see him stiffening slightly and his muscles tensing as if he was angry at me. So what, as if I care if he is feeling hurt. El quickly moves to the doors leading out of my chambers still naked. Just before he leaves though with his right hand still  on the door handle with his back facing me, he says calmly "I love you Des." Before closing the doors behind him.

I knew this was coming. Sure, El is one of my favourite lovers but that doesn't mean that I love him, I just enjoy his company and blood. I  am not capable of such weak emotions. Emotions such as love and compassion, only makes you weak and it's just ridiculous.
Anyway, El and his weak ass emotions is not my problems anymore seeing as I will be moving topside for who knows how long.

Finally I get to have some new toys to play with.

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