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november 3rd
adore • ariana grande 💛

after a tiring day of school, the twins surprised me and kaia with a little weekend getaway to nyc, since we always loved going there and we didnt as much, grayson and i were in the backseat complaining about kaia changing the music when we were singing loudly.

"don't sing guys i'll just put an artist you don't like, i love my healthy hearing okay!" kaia said giggling and changing the song once again, this time september song by jp cooper invaded our ears. i related to that song a little, okay a lot, i loved grayson so much i never exposed my heart and feelings to anyone else, and i couldn't think of a relationship with anyone else but him. he is my soulmate and somehow soulmates end up always together. isn't that what books say?

ethan's pov

a few nights ago around 6am i heard laughter coming from grayson's room, i found it weird because he loves to sleep, his door wasn't completely closed and i saw him giggling to the phone, when i heard the female voice on the other side of the call everything made sense, grayson likes oriana, and oriana likes him.

i don't know why it took me so f*cking long to realise this, now that i know it makes complete sense, but why wouldn't grayson tell me? kaia said maybe he doesn't even know himself or he knows and it's too normal to speak about it.

grayson's pov

luna/moon hasn't replied to any of my messages in the past 10 hours, she usually stays up talking to me but she hasn't at all, she seems distant, god how i miss her cheesy jokes and motivational messages, she is the one that makes me feel like oriana could be my girl, or moon could be my girl..

i heard oriana and kaia leaving the car to go to the bathroom and get something to eat, ethan looked up at me and said, "i know you like oriana, dude, it's written all over your face" my expression went from sad to scared, "how? ethan! did you read my tumblr?" he whispered/yelled and he just laughed making me even more confused.

"no dumbass it's just obvious you like her, but don't worry your secret's safe with me" he said and i smiled thinking of oriana, i played with our matching bracelets and sighed thinking of moon, moon has been changing my life, she's just as sweet as oriana, as funny as oriana, they're basically the same person, is it possible to fall for two people, specially so similar?

"grayson, something is off you didn't say something about this." ethan turned down the volume of the radio and looked at me worriedly, the thing is, i was worried about this as well, i was in a love triangle and the two other people didn't even know about it. so i told him. "i met luna on tumblr, she's so sweet, she likes astrology, and she loves lauv, she talks to me until pretty late, sometimes she just disappears and makes me worried because of her mental illnesses, but she usually comes back and makes me feel so good." i said with a little smile on my lips, god how i missed her.


slight smut ahead? don't read if you feel uncomfortable

moonsblue: j!
jupitersexual: LUNA I WAS SO WORRIED
moonsblue: i'm horny do you think we can ... you know again?
jupitersexual: i swear you are the shyest even horny
moonsblue: j cmon!
jupitersexual: f*ck baby, i'd kiss your lips, and then i'd kiss your neck and leave hickeys all over it

i started stroking my c*ck, lightly, luna would always get horny in the most weird moments, like right now, in new york city, at 2am.

moonsblue: tell me more please
jupitersexual: i'd kiss your breasts, and your belly
moonsblue: j, don't tease i'm a mess already
jupitersexual: god luna i'd eat you out like the world was about to end and make you cum until you can't take it anymore.

moonsblue sent a picture
jupitersexual sent a picture

jupitersexual: your breasts are beautiful baby
moonsblue: well i can only see your obvious hard on
jupitersexual: you made me that hard.

i could only think about doing those stuff to oriana, my hand kept moving around my c*ck and i just wanted oriana here with me, i wanted to make love to her, all night long.

"oriana" i moaned, thinking of her rubbing her p*ssy against my c*ck, i needed her and i needed her badly.

i got up and tried to walk to her room, since kaia wanted to sleep with ethan we tried to find a house with 3 bedrooms, i walked in silently and layed next to oriana trying to wake her up. "o" i whispered, "oriana" i said a little bit louder.


"make love to me"

oriana's pov

i was so needy and i kept messaging jupiter, that showed me his hard on, my heart was beating really fast because that's the only ..... i've seen in my whole life, he stopped replying and i assumed he was having fun by his own, i locked my phone and tried to sleep.

i was about to fall asleep when i heard grayson calling my name, i tried to say something but only a tired sound came out of my mouth.

"make love to me" he said quickly, breathing heavily looking it at me. 

"grayson, i've never, i don't know" my heart skipped a beat, and then started beating so fast, i pressed my lips against his, i didn't know what the hell i was doing, but would i waist an opportunity to MAKE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! to the guy i'm in love with? i don't think so.

"o, we don't have to do this, we're only 17 i get it you might not want it, but god i need you" the words came out in between small kisses, we couldn't stop kissing, and my stomach couldn't stop moving, he needed me? thats like wow, he needed me. and i needed him just as much.

"grayson don't think about it, just like you said, let's make love."


i woke up in grayson's arms and in his tee shirt, i tried to be more comfortable and my legs were completely sour, last night was, unbelievable, but right now i could only think of what he would say, what if he said that i sucked and the night was horrible? what if he won't talk to me at all, what if he pretends tonight never happened or... what if this was just a sex night for him.

please wake up i wanna know how you feel.


my soft self just wrote (tried to write) smut???? ali and caitlin be proud of me because you're my favourite nasty friends 💛
anyway! always yours,

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