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disclaimer: sorry if you own any of these usernames on tumblr. this is a fanfiction none of this is real so don't search for these usernames because they might exist.
jupitersexual — grayson
moonsblue — oriana


september 19 2017

jupitersexual: hi moon
moonsblue: .... hi jupiter? i assume you were born in the sag season
jupitersexual: a guy can't message a cute girl and she already knowns when he was born
moonsblue: i'm sorry jupiter, i just really like astrology
jupitersexual: what about you, moon?
moonsblue: i was born in the cancer season

"god oriana! leave your damn phone" my mother said rolling her eyes at me.

"why won't u tell kaia to leave her phone?! all she does is text ethan!"

"don't be stupid, oriana, your sister is nearly 16 let her be in love with a cute guy." she replied reminding me the single twin was single but not for long.

jupitersexual: moon?
jupitersexual: moon.
jupitersexual: let's talk about sexy baby let's talk about you and me
moonsblue: god jupiter are you that sexual to strangers
jupitersexual: no baby i was just trying to get your attention
moonsblue: hey jupiter what do i do when i've been in love with my neighbour my whole life and he doesn't know?
jupitersexual: NO WAY
moonsblue: WHAT
jupitersexual: i've been in love with my neighbour my whole life as well


my mother drove me, kaia, grayson and ethan to school, of course i ran as fast as i could to the front seat so i wouldn't be third wheeling, honestly i felt a little bad for grayson, but he was way too focused on his phone to even talk to me about anything. the twins and i are in pratically the same classes because they're a bit late on finishing their senior year while kaia is a sophomore. i have english, photography, music and gym with grayson, and we always sit together, except on gym classes, grayson and ethan own the thing, while i sit around complaining about my scoliosis.

i was born with scoliosis, a condition that made my spine look like a S at just 10 years old, then i went to surgery where they helped my back 80%, so i just sit at the bench looking and those two trying to make me laugh instead of just staring at the white walls in the gym. they were so supportive when i went to surgery, they'd take me on a wheelchair around the hospital and doing stupid shit to cheer me up, they're my best friends in the whole world, and i didn't want to mess that up by liking grayson... more than a friend.

the car stopped in front of the biggest high school in town, dropping us, i hated the attention people gave me, the negative attention, everyone would always judge my height and how if i wear certain things my back are obviously different, so i just started wearing hoodies and leggings and hiding my body as much as i could, but they like to tease, they always did.

"oriana, please don't listen come here" grayson said and i felt his arms pulling me closer for a side hug, he wrapped his arm around my body walking with me, "hey we've talked about this, don't listen they don't know how hard those times at the hospital were, and obviously don't know how cool and funny my best friend is, so don't listen yeah? positivity remember? we all promised" his words would always make me feel a little safer in a world where i felt like i didn't belong, but at the end of the day, my whole world was about this stupid disease and how it affects my life in ginormous ways.

"cmon sis, you always tell me to ignore so you do the same yes? you were the first one to tell me to drop my old friends because they were only hurting me and you were right, so please don't suffocate in your own thoughts" kaia said coming to hug me and grayson in the middle of the staircase.

"a hug? without me? what kind of friends do i have?" ethan pretended to be offended and made a confused face to us, grayson pulled him close for a hug and we just stood there in a gigantic sandwich hug, something that i appreciated everytime, these little things make me a happier person.


jupitersexual: my neighbour is so beautiful, she doesn't even realise it, she has big green eyes and soft chocolate hair, freckles cover her face and her body making her look even more adorable, i'm not a guy good with emotions, i just mess up when i'm explaining how i feel, and she's the opposite, she shows all of her feelings and helps me showing mine, unfortunately i'm still not strong enough to tell her i've been in love with her since i was 5 years old and she came to my front yard saying my toys looked fun, in that moment i knew i was gonna marry her someday, if i'm brave enough to ever tell her.
jupitersexual: you're crazy moon
moonsblue: just a little bit
jupitersexual: just a question.... isn't a ship a boat?

seeing ethan and kaia making out during lunch is annoying as sh*t, i don't know where grayson is so i'm here alone eating chips (french fries), talking to a stranger online that doesn't know what a ship is.

jupitersexual: i like me better when i'm with you
moonsblue: hi j, how do you know lauv is my favourite singer?
jupitersexual: you just rebloged a picture of him
moonsblue: RIGHT, so how's life?
jupitersexual: currently going to cafeteria, my english teacher wants me to have a tutor because i am dyslexic
moonsblue: awn :( i wish i could help
jupitersexual: it's okay i probably won't need it soon

"grayson bailey dolan, you left me here ALONE with the lovey dovey annoying kissing couple? what kind of best friend are you?"

"the one that'll get you more fries yeah?"

"chips! you americans smh" i said rolling my eyes at grayson with a little smile on my lips, knowing he'd say something about my british nativity.

"oriana... you were just born in the uk you don't live there" there it was.

"oh wow thats true how do you have that thick accent and kaia doesn't?" ethan asked looking at me, then looking at kaia with a "explain" face.

"oriana spent a lot of more time with mum and dad when she was a baby well at least until i was born, and you two couldn't understand them at first, then when we moved to america they started having less time for us, and ofc little petal watches a lot of british tv" kaia said expressing herself with her hands, ethan was so focused on what she was saying and looked at her with passionate eyes, i look at grayson in the line to get me chips and sigh, i wondered if he knew.

or if he didn't.

anyway, i just wish he was here kissing me, okay after getting me those chips.


we've reached the end of my baby's first chapter, i'm honestly so proud of this idea and concept, i'm sorry if you've seen this somewhere else, i'm not copying, i thought of this while listening to reforget by lauv.
another disclaimer: english isn't my first language so sorry if i mess up and it doesn't sound correct, or if there's typos even after me checking after writing.
thank you for reading friends!
🏹 maggie

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