Chapter 1

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It wasn't how I expected it. Not like this at all.

The pain. I didn't realize how painful it would actually be.

It hurts.The slices in my arms throbbed. I can't feel my legs.

My deep red blood gushed forth staining the white tiles of my bathroom floor.

It hurts and I cannot move. It was all I could do not to scream out in agony. I was scared if I let out so much whimper they would find me. And finidng me was the last thing I wanted.

Life sucks. Life's unfair. Life's a bitch.

I was done with this life and can't wait to move on to what awaited me next. Whatever it is, even if it was eternal nothingness. It was better than staying here.

The pain got much worse. I was lying down, waiting for whatever is going to come. Finally darkness over took me and I was gone.

- C o o k i e 

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