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aurorafacer: Happy New Year🌟 Remember, 365 new days, 365 new chances

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aurorafacer: Happy New Year🌟 Remember, 365 new days, 365 new chances. Have a great day and spend time with your loved ones.
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"Hey Gigi can you come over here for a bit?" Aurora called out to her friend. She was staying in LA with Aurora for a bit because she had a photo shoot with a company soon.

"What's up?" Gigi asked her and saw that Aurora was pacing around the room. "Hey is everything okay?" She asked her.

"I don't know. I'm late." She whispered. Gigi's face lit up. "Oh my god are you pregnant?" Gigi almost yelled.

Aurora was quick to cover her mouth. "Shush. Paul is downstairs I don't want him to hear." She whispered.

"No he isn't he went to take Luna and Will to get ice cream." Gigi stated.

"But now I'm back." They heard a voice coming from the door. They both turned around to see Paul standing their with two drinks in his hand. "Aurora are you pregnant?" He asked.

"I'm late. That's all I know." She answered. Gigi looked back and forth at the couple trying her best to not to laugh at their expressions.

"Do you want me to go to buy a pregnancy test?" He asked.

"Of course you idiot!" Gigi told him. He nodded and set the drinks on the table and left. "That wasn't suppose to happen." She laughed.


When Paul came back and handed the pregnancy test to Aurora, Gigi had a huge smile on her face. "I'm going to be the godmother right?" She asked Paul.

"What if she's pregnant and I'm not a good father?"

Gigi chuckled, "Luna and Will love you. I know you'll be a great father." She said. Aurora walked out with a smile on her face. "What did it say?" Gigi asked.

"I'm pregnant." She smiled. Paul smiled and walked over to Aurora to kiss her.

"I love you so much." He whispered and laughed. "I'm going to be a dad."

You guys will hate me for what happens in the future.

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