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Aurorafacer: Atlanta ain't ready for ustagged; nina994k likes | 839k comments

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Aurorafacer: Atlanta ain't ready for us
tagged; nina
994k likes | 839k comments

usera: what about LA😓

iansomerhalder: im still upset that you didn't want to be house buddies with me

nina: who's that hottie on the left?😍😍

Paulwesley: Asking myself that same question😍😍 nina

Userb: danggg

Shawnmendes: Stop hitting on my girl paulwesley

keiynanlonsdale: ^

userc: shawn's actually me

Melissabenoist: watch it bud paulwesley

gigihadid: i ship this

userd: Aurora has the hardest ship names to come up with

usere: ^

grantgust: i agree with Shawn and Mel

userf: no leave!!

paulwesley: lol grantgust

katgraham: you said you would calm yourself

iansomerhalder: Nothing has happen yet katgraham

craccola : be nice grantgust paulwesley

grantgust: I have no say on who you date?

iansomerhalder: you're not her father grantgust

userg: if grant keeps doing this he'll end up getting his ass handed to him
paulwesley liked this comment

shawnmendes: maybe we all need to leave before things get worse grantgust paulwesley iansomerhalder

paulwesley: She could care less about you grantgust

userh: Why don't melissa and gigi defend her?

iansomerhalder: you're lucky that she's willing to talk to you

aurorafacer: I asked them not to get involved as well userh

grantgust: I'll always love her even if she doesn't love me back paulwesley iansomerhalder

aurorafacer: I think that's enough for everyone


Grant and Paul

hello thomas

who's this?

It's Paul I got your number from Aurora's phone

what do you want?

I want you to leave her alone

I know you guys have kids together but let her live how she wants

she should be able to date any guy she pleases and not need permission from you

i don't think you completely understand what happened with us

i want her to be happy and if that's with someone else she should go for it but i need to know who's going to be around our kids

you didn't tell her about Grace so why do you think she needs to tell you?

i get to be in a quinceañera this weekend!

a quinceañera is a hispanic tradition, it's like a sweet sixteen but a year earlier

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