Chapter Five

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Happy 2018 everyone!! Now time for the chapter!!


I.... I hadn't thought of that. I was too busy thinking of myself and not of Phoenix at all.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, "I'll email her back and let her know that I can't take the job."

"No," he snapped then lowered his voice, "I want you to take the job, Ember. You're on your way to your dream job. I'll just... Wait for you, I guess."

I frowned. I didn't like how he said that. "Phoenix..."

"Hey," he smiled at me, "Don't worry about me. Go to that teacher on Monday and start your assistant teaching."

I nodded, looking away from Phoenix. I didn't like how he was acting. I know that he wanted me to do my job, but he didn't want to be away from me. And I honestly felt the same way after he pointed it out. But I couldn't exactly not get a job...

I sighed.

"What's up?" he asked me.

"I don't like how you're acting," I stated.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I.... I don't know," I sighed, "You just seem... Off."

"Nah," he smiled, "I do want you to get a job. I'm just gonna miss you." 

I smiled back at him, but the feeling was still nagging at me, "Okay..."

"Ember, where the fuck are you?!" I heard my father yell.

I sighed and rolled me eyes. Great. He was drunk again. He always did this right after he got home from something and it pissed me off.Hopefully my mother wasn't drunk too. I really didn't want to listen to both drunkards yelling at me. If one drank, 9 times out of 10 the other did too. 

After Addilyn was born, things just went south. First my mother started drinking, then my father. And they did it heavily. They didn't want Addilyn, they were happy enough with Marcie and me. Then he comes accidental Addilyn. But they doted on her and completely forgot about me unless they wanted someone to beat on.

"I'll be back," I sighed.

"Don't go," Phoenix begged.

"I have to. If I don't I'll just get beat more,"

A look of pain and sadness crossed his features. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered then left my room and headed downstairs. 

"Where the fuck are you, Ember?!" my father yelled again.

"What do you want?" I snapped, coming into the living room.

"Get me another beer!"

I rolled my eyes. "You know what? No. Get it your damn self, you lazy fuck."

"What did you say?!"

"You fucking heard me! Get your own god damn beer! I'm tired of doing shit for you!"

"Bitch, get me my beer or you'll regret it!"

"Then hit me, you stupid fuck! You'll do it anyhow! But just know, that soon enough you won't be able to!"

"What do you mean?" my mother asked, not that she really gave a shit.

"Because Monday I'm going to be starting a job! And if my teacher sees any bruises on me from you shitheads I'm sure she'll call the police!"

"She wouldn't dare," my father snarled.

"Oh, but she will! I'll tell her that both of you guys abuse me and hit me! And she'll call the police!"

My father snarled and I rolled my eyes.

"Get your own damn beer," I spat, getting ready to leave the living room.

But then my father grabbed my hair and threw me to the floor.

"Bitch!" he climbed atop me and went to hit me. But then he was flung off of me. I sat up to see Phoenix standing there, his hand stretched out in front of him, his palm facing outwards. He... Saved me from my father. But how?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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