Chapter Three

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"What...?" I flushed.

"You're beautiful, Ember," Phoenix repeated.

God I wished he was real.... I'd totally tackle him to the sand right now and kiss him. This boy, despite him being a ghost, made me so happy.

"Thank you," I whispered. 

He smiled at me and I felt my heart rate speed up. How could a ghost affect me so much like this? 

It was silent between the two of us again, but knowing that he was right next to me made my heart not want to slow down.

Thunder echoed and I looked at my mother to see her hurrying into the water to grab Addilyn. She started wailing, saying "No, I don't want to go!"

"Well, too bad," mother snapped, "It's going to storm soon. How could you not hear the thunder?"

I was surprised to see how harshly she was responding to my little sister. But whatever. I stood up and rolled up my towel.

"I was under the water!" Addilyn cried.

"You're so stupid," mother replied, voice a growl.

"Mother!" I shouted, nearly dropping my towel in surprise, "How dare you speak to Addilyn like that!"

"Oh, shut up, Ember," she glared at me.

"She's seven! How dare you call her stupid for not hearing the thunder!" I was furious. Why the fuck was she acting like this to Addilyn? I was used to her talking to me like that, but not Addilyn.

She stormed up to me and raised her hand to smack me, but my father stepped in between us, grabbing my mother's wrist. Where he had been this entire time, I wasn't certain. Nor did I really care. But I was thankful at this moment in time.

"I agree with Ember," he spoke lowly, "How dare you speak to Addilyn like that. And how dare you try to hit Ember for defending her sister."

"Thanks, dad," I muttered, looking down at the sand.

I hated the both of my parents, especially my mother. They each favored either Marcie or Addilyn and I was just there. And most of the time they took their anger out on me, my mother especially. Even when she wasn't drinking, I'd be verbally abused. Called names, like prude, idiot, crazy, among other worse names. All because I didn't want a boyfriend/girlfriend. All because I liked Phoenix, someone who didn't exist according to my parents.

So I'd just stay in my room most days, hiding from everyone. The only time I'd come out is if we were going to a family outing, like this trip to the beach, to eat, use the bathroom, or if Addilyn wanted to play. About 16-20 hours I'd stay in my room every day, including when I was sleeping. I'd either read, watch TV, write poetry, or talk to Phoenix. Sometimes I'd catch my mother or father outside my door, listening to me "talk to myself" and they'd call me crazy, or insane. But I knew I wasn't insane. Phoenix was real. As real as a ghost could be at least.

I stormed away from my parents and up to the car. I slammed the door right as it started to downpour. I laughed a bit as my mother and father got soaked. But I felt bad for Addilyn. I'd give her my towel when she got into the car. I pulled on my shorts and a shirt over my swimsuit and waited for the other three to get to the car.

When they did, I quickly gave Addilyn my towel and she started drying long chestnut brown hair. 

"Thanks, Ember," she whispered and I knew it was for both the towel and sticking up for her when our mother was yelling at her.

We soon after left the beach after my parents got their clothes on.

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