Double Take(One Direction love story)

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~ Chapter one :)

Note: this is my first story :) so it might not be amazing but my friends think its great soo....ummm..ya heres the the story :)

~ Megan Xxx :) <3


Hi my name is Sophia Belle. Im 16 going on 17, since my birthday is next month :) . Now here is a little more about me: I live in New York City, and I am a dancer. Not just any dancer, I am a dancer for One Direction :) 

I just recently got asked to dance for One Direction from my dance studio, which is the Julliard Dance Studio . And of course i said yes.....*fangirling* as I said it. Soooo....ummm...ya, thats what happened.


"Sophia!!! Its time to go to the airport" my mom said yelling at me.

 "Ok, im coming mom" I said 

I grabbed my bags, as i took one last look at my room. 

" Im going to miss this" I whispered sadly :(

My mom then yelled at me again. I then grabbed my phone and my bags and ran downstairs.

I got in the car with my mom and turned on the radio. Insantly I heard What makes you Beautiful and i *fangirled* a little. Im a BIG  fan of One Direction,but im not crazed or obssessed.


About an hour later, we reached the airport. I got my luggage out of my moms car.

"Im going to miss you sooooo much, Sophia" My mom said as she started to tear up.

i gave her a big hug and said "Its ok mom i love you too and dont worry i will call you everyday" i said starting to cry :(

"I cant believe my Sophia is all grown up" she said wiping away her tears and grinning a little

'I know mom" i said grinning back at her then i looked at the clock and i relized i had to go

"ohhh crap look at the time im going to miss my plane, sorry mom i gotta go" 

"bye honey- i love you' she said 

"bye mom, I love you too" i said as i hugged her. I then walked into the airport, wiping away the tears from my eyes. I found my flight and got on the plane. Everything was soooo unreal. 



Yayy guys finished chapter one hope u guys like it plzz  vote-comment- and fan :) love you guys <3 Xxx 

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