MY Oasis - 1. Dryness

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(-bla bla bla-) is her inner thought she doesn't wanna show(crossed out more like!) + photo from Google!

(Y/N) pov

Beep - beep - beep

The irritating sound of an alarm goes on and on, finally waking up the grumpy teen that's me.

I slowly get up making weird noises like a drunken bear to be exact. I then hold the alarm clock and stops it finally, checking the time.

6:30 A.M

Still feeling sleepy, I start to feel really annoyed at myself. Because . . . Why am I still alive?

Every night, I pray to God so He can please kill me during my sleep but it doesn't seem to work. I wake up every day feeling disappointed.

It scares me when I open my eyes in the mornings. I'm scared of today, even tomorrow that is yet to come.

I smile a bitter smile.
Why do I need to live my life feeling threatened and depressed every day? Do I really deserve that?

I don't have the answer within myself.

However I am certain about this.

The hole in me is getting bigger and bigger day by day, ready to swallow me up.

My body is so dry that it's withering in some way, craving for water. In short period of time, If I don't get enough moisture, I will just disperse.

So I'm left with two choices.

1 - to wilt and die


2 - find my Oasis and drink the water and fill the empty hole. (-Will it chase the pain away?-)
(-I want to live-)
(-i want to resist-)
(-please someone see through me-)

(- love me -)


Inside the school bus


After checking everything in my bag, I finally sit comfortably on the seat, never fastening my seatbelt.

I don't care if I die anyways.
(-I don't want to die. I may look like I'm acting cool but I'm dying inside. Please see the real me.-)

Exciting chatterings coming from everywhere, hurting my head. (- it would be great if I was beside someone too-) I feel transparent barrier that is blocking me against the other students. At first, I tried to break the wall but it was too solid. Too strong.

Now, I don't know. I don't care.

Finally admitting, I start to feel a bit tired. Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up yesterday worrying till 3 A.M. well too late now, eh? My eyelashes feel as heavy as a mammoth and I drift to complete darkness.





"Wake up!"

I bolt open my eyes. Am I in trouble? I look around nervously.

Then I meet two eyes. Brown eyes.

My right arm tries to reach them weirdly, is seems like it has it's own mind. Well, I shruged. It's because these eyes are so . . .

Shockingly warm.

Almost like a mother's embrace.

"Who are you?" I ask. My voice shaking a little.

The Brown eyes smile, creating two crescent moons. Instead of saying anything, they smile.

MY Oasis (Jungkook x reader)Where stories live. Discover now