Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The Silent Singer

Destiny woke up the next morning with a rather unpleasant sight. Oliver hung over her, a cigarette hanging off his lip. She looked at him with wide eyes and looked about, Javen laid on the bed face down with a pillow pinned over his head by his own doing.

Ebony sat at the dressing table with a young girl that stood and curled her hair patiently while another girl got on with her makeup. Hail did her own hair, tugging the brush through the matted curls of red and applying her own light dusting of makeup.

“Morning Silent Singer.” Oliver said through the cigarette. She quickly shot up and tucked her black hair behind her ear nervously. It seemed she had got a nickname for herself. Oliver had a wide smile on his face as he took his cigarette out of his mouth and held it in his house.

“See you guys by the car, I’m going for a ciggy. That’s if the paps ain’t got here first.” Oliver left seconds later, waving with a slight move of the wrist. She looked at Javen who remained comatosed out on the sofa.

“Don’t worry about him, Manny will get him up.” Hail said and sat down next to her. Destiny wanted to ask who Manny was but that wasn’t going to happen.

“So you play.” That time it was the hair stylist that spoke with a small smile, her own blonde hair was short but in a style that suited her eyes. Destiny nodded and couldn’t help the smile creeping onto her pink lips.

She had a passion for the guitar and singing was her escape. She loved it, the way your fingers could dance across the strings but instead of dancing to the music, the music is playing to the dance. It was the same with piano too, she had taught herself to play that too.

“Well, get ready, you’re coming into the studio today.” Ebony said, spinning around in her seat. Only then did she realize that Ebony wore a tight, ripped black t-shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. This band seemed to enjoy tight clothes.

Destiny stood up awkwardly and bit her lip, looking around the room for her suitcase. It was the light blue one, sticking out under the bed. She quickly kneeled down and pulled it out.

It was filled with all the colourful new clothes that Javen had bought for her the second day of living with him. She pulled out a pretty pink top that had a love heart on it and threw it behind her then picked out a pair of pink jeans to match.

“Oh, no, no hunnie.” Hail laughed and picked up the clothes she had just picked out and threw them straight into the trashcan. “You must have something decent in there.” The curly redhead knelt down besides her and started to pull clothes out of her suitcase. In the end, most of it went in the bin, except a pair of black leggings and a red dress.

She didn’t complain, the girl knew what she was doing right? She couldn’t possibly question Hail. She started to pull off her pajamas and stood naked a moment before putting the dress on with the leggings.

“Destiny Garsen, you, me and Ebs are all going shopping.” Hail said with a stip of authority to her tone but she was the youngest in the band so it really made no sense to the small girl who was totally starstruck. She nodded and Ebony cheered in a agreement.  “Now to get Javen up.” Hail smiled a mischievous grin.

Ebony stood up now her hair and makeup was done and went into the bathroom. Destiny silently followed her and found her filling up a bucket of water and bubbles.

“You jump, I pour, Hail shouts.” Ebony said to the two before making her way over to the bedside where Javen let out a little snort and farted in his sleep. Very attractive sleeper. Destiny did her part and climbed up on the bed, ready to the go signal and Hail cleared her throat ready

“1...2...3...go!” Hail shouted, the water was flung over him, landing on his back with a slap as Destiny squealed and jumped up and down on the bed. Javen let out a roar and grabbed Destiny, pinning her to the bed. He started to tickle her. She screamed and screamed.

“Tell me to stop and I’ll stop.” Javen said and continued to tickle, his t-shirt soaked with cold water but his hair remained dry because of the pillow’s protection. His black hair was starting to curl again, his natural hair.

Destiny screamed and Hail jumped on Javen’s back and started to tickle him. He started to laugh and fell off of Destiny but she didn’t manage to get away.

“Ruin my hair and you’re all dead.” Ebony warned them before jumping on Destiny and joining in with the tickling.

“A’right, please, stop.” Destiny cried and everyone stopped and blinked a moment in shock. Her accent was strong Cockney, despite being in a scottish orphanage the last year. It took a moment before Javen spoke.

“Get off of me, I need to get dressed.” Javen laughed and Hail jumped off of him. With a quick ruffle of Destiny’s already messed up hair he got up and went into the bathroom. Seconds later there was a loud, heavy knock on the door. Hail looked at her wristwatch and her eyes widened slightly.

“We may be an hour late.” Hail said, biting her gums. Ebony’s eyes widened.

“At least we’re fashionably late.” Ebony tried but the loud banging on the door spoiled it.

“Bugs not me.” Hail stood back and sat on the bed.

“Hey! Wait, bugsy not me!” Ebony said quickly before Destiny could. That meant she had to answer it.

“She won’t kill a six year old girl as much as she’d kill us.” Hail reassured her, no, a fail of reassurance and big one. Destiny flinched as another round of loud banging sounded and angry shouts started to come from other guests on the floor. She pulled open the door to an angry unnamed-phone-addict-square-glassed woman.

“Where are they?” The woman barked shoving her way into the room. Hail and Ebony were both hiding under the bed by this point.

“They left ten minutes ago miss.” Destiny said politely. “Daddy is still getting ready though, he had to get me ready too.”

The woman’s angry eyes looked over the small girl who gave her most convincing smile. Her hair was still a mess but it was a nice mess, a curly mess. The woman nodded and turned to leave.

“Make sure he is there by half eight or he’ll not be coming to the studio at all. I have plenty of drummers that can fill in.” Destiny flinched at the woman’s harsh threat and quickly shut the door behind the woman.

“Thanks Dee, we owe ya one.” Hail said  on behalf of both of the two girls who now were climbing out of under the bed.

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