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1 week later-

Vic's POV-

I jumped off of the bed and ran into the bathroom,i sat down in front of the toilet and threw up,it seems to me as though what happened last week with Mike and i seemed to be taking it's toll now-Soon, i saw Mike come to sit at the side of me and started rubbing my back, i looked up at him and smiled, he took a piece of tissue from the rack in the bathroom and wiped my mouth up, throwing the tissue into the toilet bowl full of puke- he planted a warm kiss on my forehead as he pulled me closer from the side, he planted a warm kiss at the side of my forehead again too- before another mouthful of puke came out into my mouth, i emptied my entire stomach into the toilet bowl, he sighed and got up, "i'm gonna go get you a pregnancy test and some fever reliever" he got up and smiled,i flashed him a thumbs up, soon after he left, behind me, i felt a small hand rub my back, i looked up- grabbed another tissue and wiped my mouth, in fact- i decided to keep the entire roll of tissue down on the ground where i could reach it easily- i smiled,it was my little Ethan- he kissed my forehead, how he reminded me of his father so well, that same sweet,cute and caring attitude- i planted a kiss on his forehead, "good morning baby" i made sure my stomach was empty properly and i got up, he held my hand and tugged on me to bend back down next to me, he kissed my cheek "i'm sorry mama, if i knew this was what would have happened because i asked for a baby sister i would have never told papa i wanted one" my heart melted to liquid,yup,pregnancy hormones,here we fucking go-"it's not your fault,Mijo, i love you,okay?-now go on outside and wake uncle Jaime and uncle Tony up" i smacked his bum softly as he ran outside of the back lounge which was where Mike and i and not forgetting little Ethan were staying for the remaining of the tour,i grabbed the hairbrush and combed my hair neatly down for a bit before walking out- i went outside and into the bunks to wake Jaime and Tony up or to see if Ethan got anywhere with waking them up at all, when i went, i pulled open the curtain- i saw Tony's huge stomach,Ethan's ear was at it,Jaime smiled and jumped over them both- "why Good morning,mama" he touched my flat stomach which would be big and huge for the second time in 9 months softly - i smiled and smacked his hand away playfully- "Morning Jaime"

I looked down at Tony, he smiled at me- Ethan smiled too "I'm having a cousin,mama" i smiled at him, "yes you are honey" i looked back up at Tony- "want help getting up?" i asked, he nodded yes, Ethan raised his head off of his stomach- Tony smiled and tried sitting up, Ethan went behind him and braced his back straight up, I held his hand and pulled him up, "Careful,Vic,don't put too much strain on that little thing that's developing inside of you" he held onto the wood of the bunks and walked out,Ethan trailed behind him and i did the same

When we went out to the kitchen, i saw Mike cooking, i kissed his neck and whispered into his ear- "got the stuff?"- he smiled while looking down at the eggs that were being cooked in the pan- "they are on the table in the black bag" he pointed to them, i picked it up, Jaime and Tony were sitting down playing with Ethan,I sat down on the couch, placing a hand on my flat stomach, remembering again that it would be huge in another couple of months,today we were gonna be heading home from here El Paso,Texas

"Alrighty,Guys,good morning,your looking large Turtle, anyways, i came in here to let yall know that we will be hitting the road right after breakfast,yall packed already?" Dave came in, looking around at us, everyone just answered with "mhms"- so he headed into the bunks for Tony and Jaime's things and collected me,Mike and Ethan's things too to take them to get stacked up in the bus, soon after, Mike came with our food, Ethan was drinking a morning blueberry shake, it was his favorite and Mike knew the recipe to make the perfect one


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