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(Eight Months Pregnant)

Vic's POV-

I stood in front of the mirror, now my stomach was eight months huge, i rubbed it softly, "Damn,are you a fatso or is it just me?" Mike laughed- we were preparing to leave for warped tour with Sleeping With Sirens- i was worried as fuck about the baby and preforming on stage, but the fans knew and they knew it was Mike's baby and lucky for us they all accepted us perfectly well,he picked up my suitcase and his bag, he kissed my neck from behind as i looked at myself in the mirror- "stop being worried,Jaime is gonna come help you downstairs soon,i'm gonna go stack up the bus and prepare your seat" he smiled at me before walking out the room-I pulled down my shirt and grabbed my small bag which had the baby's clothes and pampers and other things for him, because it was definite,he was gonna come while we were on tour, i was already eight months old, so duh- Jaime came into the room with a smile, "come let me help you down,your seat in the bus is already prepared" I smiled back at him- "You know how everyone has Christmas babies and stuff?- your gonna have a warped tour baby!" he yelled excitedly as he took my hand and helped me walk-because i didn't have as much weight (before the baby) it was hard carrying around an eight month old belly without some kind of support- i giggled "Yes,Jaime,there will be a warped tour baby this year" he kissed the side of my forehead sweetly, because that's just how he is- since through highschool,supportive and amazing to us all and i would always thank him for that --

As he helped me into the bus- Mike took my hand and Jaime and Tony got into their seat which was in front of ours,i looked at the back of me and Mike's seat and saw a wooden crib with a note attached to it, and some other bags with a note attached onto one, i guessed it was probably for all of them the note was for

i took the note off of the crib and the bag- i opened the one from the crib, i smiled at it, how considerate- the manager of "Fearless" had sent this to us, it was the sweetest thing ever

"Dear Vic & Mike- I'll have you both know, i support you both,love should be equal and anyone can be in love- it doesn't matter who they are <3 congratulations on the new addition to this family ;) i hope he can be a singer just like mama when he grows up- lots of love and well wishes

-Your manager" 

I placed the note neatly into my pocket, i was gonna paste it when we got back home into the baby's corner of our room- i opened the one with the bags- this one shocked me, but melted my heart

-"Dear Victor & Michael Christopher - our precious grown up babies

We know what has been going on, we know that you both love eachother, oh not the regular brotherly love, the mama and papa love- we support both of our babies on this new journey they have taken up in life and we are extremely excited that we are gonna be having a little grandbaby soon- we love you both endlessly and we will accept you for whoever you want to be in this life- you are both going to make amazing parents- hoping to see you soon- and we know that your having a warped tour baby- so these bags just contain a few things you may need for him ;) love you both endlessly -- God bless you xo-

mama and papa"

My heart melted straight into liquid, my eyes teared up, i haven't seen my mommy and daddy in such a long time- and yes,although i was as old as this, i would still yell mommy and daddy like a little kid wherever i saw them and run to them for baby cuddles,because to me- it didn't matter how old a person would grow, they would still be their mom and dad's baby- no matter what

Mike took the letter from me, i saw him place a hand over his chest where his heart was, he looked at me, biting his lips , i could see his eyes grow watery, soon the tears flied down his cheeks like a river flowing because of the fast currant- i hugged him tightly, he placed his face into my shoulder, i could hear the muffled sobs of his, he cradled my stomach as i held onto him tightly

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