Chapter Six

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Kane's POV:

I had woken up early enough to hear Master Mullen slam open the door. "He always loves making an entrance," I chuckled to myself. Today though, as he shuffled past, I saw him carrying a large bag. "Morning Master! I see you found more merchandise," I greeted friendly.

I was given a grunt in return along with my usual reminder of chores I had to accomplish. Sighing, I started my daily chores as I listened to Mullen place the human in his holding cell. Mullen finally trudged into the pub-like dining area when I had finished what was supposed to be an omelette.

"Someone seems to be in a bad mood," I teased as I handed him the black, burnt lump of egg on his plate when he sat down. He looked up at me and growled, "Save your shit for our newest guest." Standing back up, he walked over to the mini-fridge and opened it. Breathing in the aroma he took out a glass bottle filled with blood. Pulling out a bottle opener from his pocket Mullen opened it and guzzled down every last drop.

Leaving as soon as he entered he told me, "I'm off to see if she's awake, so you'd better be finished by the time I return." Once I saw him leave, I grabbed my broom and started to dance while sweeping.

"Oh dearest Isabelle, you look so beautiful," I recited from my favorite book. "Frederick! This ball is spectacular, and you're even better," I imagined the broom saying. I was losing track of my corporeal life, only focusing on the spur of the moment, the rush of adrenaline I felt as I stared at my broom, dreaming it would transformed into a lovely maiden and whisk me away from this place. I wish-

"Kane! Bring this human some food! You need to keep it healthy so it'll be worth more than a penny this time!" Pulled from my reverie, I shouted, "Yes Master Morren!" I quickly rushed down the stairs, trying to not spill the contents of my creation from earlier.

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