Chapter Three

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y/n= your name

I awoke with a start. "What just happened?" I thought as I looked around the room. The whole room was made of only stone. I tried to stand up, but soon realized I was trapped in a pair of handcuffs. Hyperventilating, I tried to struggling out of them, but only managed to cut both my wrists.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a deep voice said. Looking for the source of the sound, I found that same man from before staring at me through the open the door. From pure shock I yelled, "Why did you do this?!? Where am I?!?"

The man only chuckled, his strong arms almost breaking the door when he slammed it closed. "Where you are doesn't matter, Sweetheart. As for why you're here, that's easy."

"My name is (y/n)," I growled before he continued. "Whatever," he continued, "Anyways, I'll make this short and simple: I'm going to sell you."

I screamed, "WHAT?!? ARE YOU CRAZY?! THERE'S NO WAY I'LL EVER DO SOMETHING THAT HORRID!!" The man just laughed, "That's not what I was talking about Sweetie. I'm selling you for your blood. People are high in demand these days, and as long as I get to get rid of scum and get paid for doing it I'll eagerly continue this job for the rest of my life," he paused, "I'm feeling gracious tonight so I'll answer one question you have, so choose wisely before I lose my patience."

I tried to think of a question, anything really, to ask the man who's tall figure loomed above me. "What are you?" I finally managed to spurt out.

The man laughed in his sick tone and responded fiercely, "I thought it was rather obvious, but then again you humans are really dumb. I'm a vampire, Sweetheart."

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