Chapter One

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I was 8 years old and my family had just moved to Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England, from Ames, Iowa. I had begged my parents not to. "Mom, I won't fit in! I won't have any friend!" I said, tears pouring down my face.

"Elizabeth, I know that this is a big change and all, but you will make friends in no time!" My mom said kissing the top of my head.

It was a big change for me, especially when it was in the middle of the school year. I was a very smart kid and had skipped a grade. So instead of me trying to fit in with classmates my age, I had to fit in with classmates a year older then me. They weren't so accepting. I never ate lunch at school, during recess, I sat in a corner of the playground and read.

One day, a boy named Liam Payne came up to me. "Hi. I'm Liam Payne." He said sticking out his hand. I was in my normal spot during recess and I was reading the first Harry Potter book. I had been going here for a total of 2 months. He lowered his hand. "I'm sorry I haven't talked to you before. You're just different." He said and I bit my lip.

"Of course, you are the first person to say hi to me this whole 2 months and you call me names." I said standing up as the teacher blew the recess whistle. I went back inside and took a seat. He had sat down next to me and I groaned. He set a note on my desk and I opened it.

I know you are considered the freaky new genius, but I would love to be your friend. Circle: yes   or   no  ?

I thought about it for a bit and was about to circle yes when another kid grabbed it off my desk. "Who would want to be friends with a freaky American like you?" He asked and I lowered my head.

"Me." Liam said glaring at the boy. The other boy backed off and Liam smiled at me. I smiled back at him and I nodded my head yes.

-10 years old-

"Liam!" I yelled, tackling him. He had just gotten back from a family vacation and he hugged me back.

"Lizzy!" He yelled and twirling me. "How did the singing competition go?" He asked me setting me down and we went inside.

"I got first!" I yelled. We exchanged a high five and he smiled at me. The accent was finally starting to sink in and develop. I sat on his bed and watched him un-pack. That night, he looked at me and said,

"Some day, I'm going to be a star."

-13 years old-

I stood backstage on X-Factor and watched as Liam sang. I was so proud of him. The judges had all said yes and when he came back stage, I had tears in my eyes and I hugged him. "I did Lizzy!"

When he got to the judges house, Simon had rejected him and told him to come back in two years time.

-15 years old-

I was backstage again at the X-Factor.  Liam was auditioning again and my audition was later. I smiled as he sang and the judges all gave him a yes. He came back smiling and he hugged me same as last time. "This time, I'm determined to make it, and I'm bringing you with me." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course you will!" I said smiling. I was called up and he gave me one last quick squeeze.

"Knock 'em dead!" He said and pushed me out.

"Hello, what's your name?" Cheryl asked me.

"Elizabeth Newton." I said smiling.

"That's a beautiful name, What are you going to sing for us?" She asked and my smiled widened.

Best Friends With Liam Payne. [LiamPayne/OneDirection FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now