wake up

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I am awoken by my door swinging open there standing in the door way is a very pissed of looking joker. I look behind me to see boi spooning me we must have moved in our sleep. "WELL WELL WELL WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?" oh no oh no that's what he said before he killed the other guy. before I could react joker pulled out his gun. I looked over to see boi had opened his eyes and was now looking very frightened. I rolled over on top of him wrapping my body around his to protect him from the bullets. "J its not what it looks like I swear he-we just fell alseep watching a movie and and thats it." I say. joker starts to laugh. "I find it funny that you always have your self wrapped around him don't you? he asks. "J he's my best friend" I say. "yes I know I know believe me I know he would be dead if it wasn't for that little fact" he say's walking over to the bed. boi has not said one word this hole time. "get off of him" joker say's with a little sigh signaling he is giving up. I don't trust that J never gives up. "give me your guns." I say. "get off him" he say's again. "give me your guns." I say again. he sighs pulling his other gun from his holster handing them both to me. "and the one tucked in your shirt." I say. he rolls his eyes then un-tucks his shirt and pulls out a pistol. "fine" I say getting off of boi. I get off the bed and before I can react J is on top of boi holding a knife at his neck. "jack don't!" I yell. "you took my guns that's okay I like knifes better you wanna know why? Guns are to quick. you can't savor all the...little emotions. In.. you see, In their last moments, people you who they really are." J says dragging the blade over boi's throat. "you should'nt have touched my girl" joker says letting out a laugh. "P-Please boss I din't mean no harm." boi chokes out. enough I think to myself. "enough!" I yell pointing the gun at joker. joker climbs off the bed walking towards me he puts his head to the end of the gun. "come on  come on come on" J chants. I just stand there silent with the gun held in my hand. "do it doll do it" he say's in his daring voice as if to say you wouldn't dare. "DO IT!!" he yells at me I feel tears streaming down my face. his face softens and his smile disappears replacing with a frown he stands up and wipes my tears. I pull the gun down and throw it on the ground next to the others. he comes up and grabs my face. he kisses me then wipes away the tears. "come on doll where going on a field trip." J say's to me. he turns around and looks at boi. "you are so lucky she sticked up for you or else you'd be dead next time you 'accidentally' fall asleep with my girl there will be a bullet somewhere in your body" J says boi just gulps and nods. J grabs my arm and leads me down stairs we walk out the door and he throws me into the side of the purple lambo. "where are we going J?" I ask. he looks at me with a grin before speeding off he says

                                                                    "ACE CHEMICALS"

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