"I Was Scared"

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  Chloe and Ryan sat down in the sofa,Chloe was hesitant to tell him but she knew it was for the best..... she opened a little drawer and put out a paper she gave him the paper "Riley Diane Hosterman McCartan?"Ryan reads"you named her after me?"

"I thought it's for the best"Chloe says

"When did you know?"he asked her

"Weeks after we broke up"she says

"Why didn't you tell me?"he asked her

Chloe was in tears"I was scared"

"Of what?"

"That I tell you..... you'll go..... I mean after those bad things that has been blathered in the whole world I didn't think you'll forgive me and just accept the news that you had a child"Chloe explained

"Chloe..... I love you... whatever you say or do will never face the fact that I love you...... if there's only one girl I want to have my first kiss with and that's you and I want you to be the last too"he says"Riley is the best gift you've given me even if I missed out on her life like a lot..... I want to make it up Chloe"

"Ryan please don't as much as it hurts me.... how could you love me if I gave you pain?..... Ryan Riley was the only thing I had"

"You did gave me pain but..... you gave me your love..... you trusted me with Riley..... Chloe the first day I met her I knew she was my daughter..... and I knew your the girl that is right for me"Ryan says"I love you Chloe"

"I love you too Ryan" then they kissed

"Only thing is we have to let her know slowly let's not tell her directly okay?"Chloe says

"I know"Ryan says Chloe smiled and opened another drawer and slid something in her finger

"You still have your engagement ring?"

"Yeah cause the universe told me that I shouldn't toss out something that has a value in it"Chloe says

"But we are not yet telling the press let's just let them know slowly too"Chloe says Ryan nod

"oh yeah.... I wanted to invite you guys to the premiere of my new movie(not a true movie) this weekend"Ryan says"I'll pick you up of you want"

"No.... how about you come back home?"Chloe says

"That's much better"

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