"She's My Daughter"

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Another reunion is going on Chloe went and got her daughter and herself ready

"Okay Riley I expect you too be behave Okay?"Chloe asked

"Okay as long as I get too meet Parker!" Chloe smiled at her daughter but is a bit nervous seeing her daughter might bump into her dad and she wouldn't know that he is her dad

Once they got they were all bump with paparazzi

"Hey Dove you look dazzling as ever and who might this cutie be?"the interviewer asked

"This is Riley Diane"Chloe simply says"she's my daughter"

"Awe that's cute.."the interviewer said"hey Riley how old are you?"

"I'm 5"the 5 year old says

"Wow your soo big!"they said and then after interview Riley got tired

"Mommy I'm tired!"Riley whines

"Hey Rooney"a familiar voice says

"Hey Ryan"Chloe says looking at the guy who gave Madison Rooney that nickname

"Oh my god! It's Diggie!"The 5 year old says

"Awe I'm glad you know kid what's your name?"Ryan asked

"I'm Riley Diane I'm 5 I'm a big Miggie fan!"the little girl says Ryan smiled

"That's cute hunny"Chloe says

"Yeah now your cute kid is tired"Riley says Chloe rolled her eyes

"Well why didn't you say so little Rooney"Ryan says picking the kid up

"Ryan really you don't have too you know"Chloe says avoiding the paps

"Hey it's fine when the kid says she's tired I come to help"he says

"Thanks"Chloe says

All night they all had fun Chloe didn't even realize how close her daughter got to her ex and her daughters father

Ryan insisted to drive them home Chloe refuse but then again Riley was asleep so she gave in

Once they got home Ryan put the child in her room

"Thanks for being great to her"Chloe says

"It's nothing"Ryan says"she does have a great name"

Chloe remembered how Ryan always tell her if they have a kid they'll name her Riley Diane

"Yeah...."Chloe says"actually it was the first name that pop into my mind"Chloe says

"Okay well... I'll see you guys tomorrow"Ryan says


"Yeah let's have a beach day it's California!"He says"plus the kid asked for it"

"Okay I guess"Chloe says

"Hey.... don't worry it's been 5 years the world might have forgotten what happened"Ryan says

"Maybe your right this is a great new start"Chloe says

"Bye Rooney"

"Bye Diggie"

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