Chapter 1 Destiny

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"Your photos are so plain and boring!" Professor Kavanagh told her as she scanned on the camera roll. "All you did was take pictures of random things, Hana. We need better pictures if you ever want to showcase yours for our Arts and Science Festival.

Hana sighed. She had been practicing for months yet she wasn't getting better at photography. She enrolled in a photography class at Neos Athens University without knowing the difference between a DSLR and a Digital Camera or even how to use the DSLR's manual function. Professor Kavanagh had given her an earful since then.

Ever since she went to a photo exhibit of the famed Andromeda Danton when she was six, she was enraptured by the colorful lights, the excitement, and the happiness that was captured in Andromeda's wonderful photos. She was so famous that she does International Arts Exhibits.

The charm of the photos Andromeda Danton also gave the viewers an uplifting and heart-warming sensation so every time the famous photographer opens a photo exhibit it was always packed and whenever she sells her photographs, the auction bids were insane.

"How can I be better at photography?" Hana asked.

"Pictures capture life. Pictures capture an emotion. What emotions are you trying to convey to the viewers? This is for your Finals grade, Miss Yoshida. No matter how much you've practiced, I've seen you haven't fully grown yet." Her professor returned her DSLR with a disapproving stare. "Better have a good batch of photos by the end of the day, Miss Yoshida, or you're getting an F." She walked away, busy attending other things as the festival drew near.

Hana felt a warm hand on her shoulder. She looked upwards to the mother figure she had for the past months. Professor Andrea had been there for her when kept getting bad and low grades, always being there by her side when there's verbal bullying from both teachers and students and accompanying and cheering her up whenever Hana's parents talk to her on the phone to see how she is.

"Professor Andrea," With a small sincere smile, she said. "Thank you for teaching me how to use the basics of photography and the manuals on the camera, but I don't think I can ever do a photoshoot if I can't even take a good photo of flowers."

"You just have a different perspective on life, Hana." Professor Andrea said. "And the others couldn't see that so they focused on the technicalities of how you take a photograph instead of judging you on the actual picture."

"Is that why Andromeda Danton became frowned upon because she was accused of heavy Photoshop on her photos?" Hana said, remembering that the reason she left Japan was to learn Photography at the same university her idol attended.

"I wouldn't say heavy Photoshop, but I once saw her creative works. After all, it's a bad rumor that sparked out that she uses Photoshop to manipulate her photos into becoming surreal."

"Her photos are sensational! So much that people started questioning the authenticity of her pieces! But Professor—I do believe her photos are genuine! And that the only manipulation she uses is the timing, the props, and the lighting!"

The French professor chuckled; she affectionately patted her student's head. "Oh Hana, I know what would make you feel better."

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