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Aberforth Dumbledore shifted his weight slightly. A secret flight of stairs behind the mantel led to a cramped little attic right above Albus' room, perfect for spying, but the ceiling was thinner than a Flobberworm's skin, and the slightest movement could send Aberforth crashing through.

 Why was he so heavy all of a sudden? It was the Hogwarts food, Aberforth concluded mentally. Those poor House Elves, most of it probably went uneaten. Not for the first time, Aberforth wondered if wizards' treating of House Elves was morally ethical.

Next they'll be starting up a campaign about that too, he thought scathingly. Imagine that! A sort of...House-Elf Liberation Front. Oh wait, no. Society for the Protection of Elfish Welfare. SPEW. How appropriate would that be?

Aberforth snorted in spite of himself at the ludicrousness of the idea and squashed his ear even flatter against the ceiling, straining for the tiniest sounds. Albus was speaking normally but that Grindelwald bloke was so soft spoken it was difficult to hear one entire half of the conversation.

"-courtesy to them!" Grindelwald was rasping. "To preserve their swollen egos!"

Aberforth could guess what Grindelwald was talking about. He was familiar with men of Gellert's kind. Men who thought they were better than Muggles because they had Magic. Most of the time, it made Aberforth sick.

Mind you, it would be nice to be able to do Magic in public, without worrying about the Statute of Secrecy, and the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.

Living in a Magic village, it wasn't so bad for Aberforth, but there wasn't a whole lot to do in Godric's Hollow, and when he was out and about, his wand had to go away and stay away. It felt like he was denying a part of himself.

Aberforth scowled. The last thing he wanted to do was agree with Gellert Grindelwald.

I really apologise for all the time it's taken me to continue this! I'm back on Wattpad now, so I'll be updating this more and more. Also, was it overkill breaking the fourth wall in this chapter?? Should I do it more??

Also, I would really love it if you guys could read and comment on my 'Guardian Angel' series. First comment on it gets the next character named for them in 'The Greater Good'.

The Greater Good: Dumbledore and GrindelwaldWhere stories live. Discover now