The Deathly Hallows

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Okay, so Albus suspected that Gellert Grindelwald shared an interest in the Deathly Hallows, just as he did. Albus remembered, very well, the night his father, Percival, had first told him the tale of the Three Brothers and their monumental achievements.

Albus shook his head as if trying to shake a memory from his mind. Mustn't think about Father, he said to himself urgently, pacing his bedroom carpet. Two days had passed since Gellert and Bathilda, and Albus wasn't sure what to make of them.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Albus said, going over the evidence once again. The Three Brothers. He definitely mentioned the Wand of Destiny, too, which can only mean...

Albus realized he was being silly. Walking up and down his room wasn't going to give him the answers he needed. There was only one way to do that. "I'm going to see them," he said aloud.

Albus grabbed his wand up off his desk, stuck it into his inside pocket and lumbered down the stairs. Aberforth acosted him in the hall. "Where are you going?" he asked in an accusatory tone.

"For a walk," Albus said mysteriously. "Don't wait up, I may be a while."

Aberforth raised an eyebrow. "And will this walk take you anywhere near Miss Bagshot's house?"

"I..." Albus trailed off. "Well that's what if it...purely coincidental I think you'll find, Aberforth, I just-"

Aberforth laughed. Not the snide, sarcastic laugh that Albus had come to know and love during the past few days, but a genuine laugh, full of life and warmth. "I'm not stupid, Albus. Just...stay out of trouble, will you?"

"Course I will," Albus smiled back, turning on his heel.

"No, you won't," Aberforth mumbled under his breath.

Albus was already out of the door. It was a serene summer evening in Godric's Hollow, and the setting sun shone accross the cobbled street, throwing the rows of houses on either side into gentle relief. Normally, Albus would've hopped the fence that separated his own house from Miss Bagshot's, but the lawn in her front yard looked meticulously trimmed and extremely well taken care of.

Instead, he took the scenic route across the path before strolling up her drive. Albus shivered, a chill running down his spine. He'd been round old Bathilda's house plenty of times, but it as though there was a new presence in the dwelling. Albus hesitated, then raised his hand to knock. Suddenly, he froze...the door was open a crack.

Frowning, Albus reached out and pushed the door. It swung open easily.

Albus glanced around - there was nobody out on the streets. Nobody around.

Albus gingerly stepped into the hall, carefully pulling his wand from his jacket. He'd recently come of age, although the old taboo of using Magic outside of Hogwarts still lingered at the back of his head. Albus put it from his mind and nudged the door shut behind him with his foot.

It was dark inside the hall. Not the normal kind of dark. Pitch-black. Almost like someone had used a Shrouding Charm...

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