chapter six.

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hey guys, well this took me long cos im at my dads but had alott of fun writing this chapter because my friend and i have been creating crazy adventures for it, yeah were crazy:D

well enjoy:D


CHAPTER6: from the past to the present.

Ruby's POV

Alice and I spent the whole day shopping. We went everywhere, and bought almost everything possible, we filled up my wardrobe and my glorious handbag closet. It was also my sleepover tomorrow so i bought lots of munchies and stuff for the girls. It turned out that Rachael couldn't go, so I invited my other best friends josianne and Lauren. They were really nice and a bit crazy. Like me It was going to be great, i really hope Renesmee would like them, i always enjoy our sleepovers so hopefully she would too. We go really hyper and a bit mental, i know what your thinking how the hell does a vampire go crazy but when you get lost in a conversation that gets a little too funny or make plans that are going to be really exciting, well you get the point. Alice and i got back and it was around seven so i hoped Renesmee would still be awake.

"Em! Jazz! Come here!" Alice said. They came out straight away and we just filled their arms with bags and boxes. I held the door open- after i watched Emmett walk into it and fell to the floor with laughter. Alice and Jasper thought it was funny too. It wasn't so bad, we only had to do four trips of shopping bags from the car to my room, Oh and three for Alice's room. Alice mostly wanted to shop for me to fill my closet and she wanted to see what i was buying for the sleepover. We also bought a digital camera and took some pictures, some of us trying stuff on and we got our pictures took with a man that was piping at the corner of princess street in Edinburgh. He was busking- apparently they do this all day and people put money in a bag or a hat or something. Of course Alice being Alice put over one hundred pound in this boy's case since we got our pictures with him. We also have one of us standing in the middle of the pedestrian crossing with big smiles and one arm on our hips and the other in the air looking like total twits, the people in the cars where beeping their horns and the guy he took the picture for us looked rather annoyed we had stopped him but we didn't care much about what we thought, at least we had enjoyed ourselves.

"So you's seemed to have enjoyed yourself's today, causing a traphic jam for a photo and posing with buskers." Edward said helping me with the last of the bags, he had just read my mind and seen everything of course.

"Yeah it was funny, but we couldn't care less about the stubborn people. One photo wasn't going to kill them." but then again, we might have if they said the wrong thing. Edward laughed.

"Yes i can imagine you and Alice arguing over one little picture." I know imagined the picture he just created and laughed, it does look like something i would do.

"Oh Alice would do it too, trust me." Edward said, listening to my thoughts. I wonder Where Renesmee is, i want to go over the sleepover with her. Edward had read my thought and answered that for me.

"She's up in her room, listening to music. She's excited for tomorrow, I think we are. to meet your crazy friends and also if Renesmee will fit in."Edward smiled.

"Of course she will fit in, my friends will love her. And yeah its a good thing you's dont sleep because we aren't the quietest." I laughed and so did Edward when he saw the last sleepover i imagined, where Lauren's dad kept shouting because he could here us giggling, or when Me and Eilidh and Emma ran through the caravan site getting chased by a little boy on a bike at two in the morning.

"Yes, i think no sleep will come in handy for once." He laughed again.

I walked up into Renesmee's room and she was sitting on her bed, reading a book. She noticed that i was there and looked up and smiled.

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