Bake Sale Shocker

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I couldn't put my finger on it. But something weird was going on.

It started in the morning. On the first day of the new semester. First I woke up later than usual because my parents were both out of town for business trips. Then I couldn't find the new skirt I bought, even though I ransacked the entire wardrobe. I was morosely eating cereal at the breakfast table while studying cheerleading routines on youtube, when Qin came into the kitchen wearing MY skirt.

"What the!" I yelled. "Why did you take my new skirt without telling me!"

"Oops! So sorry, got to go!" Qin yelled, grabbing an apple on her way out. "Talk to you later!"

Something was definitely going on with Qin. I was so going to find out what was going on. A car horn sounded. Oh crap, Emily was here already. I stomped my way to the car, where the usually stoic and placid Emily was nearly bubbling over with joy. She was happily chatting away about nothing in general throughout the ride to school, but like I said, uncharacteristically enthusiastic.

I let her work out her energy before I asked with a smile, "How was the rest of your Christmas break? I hadn't seen you since that night (at Amy's). If you hadn't called me last night offering me a ride, I might have thought you had forgotten me."

Emily laughed and said, "Don't be silly, Mai! I met someone online! We've been chatting for hours! I never felt such a connection before."

No wonder! And it was great that someone, other than me, finally realized what a treasure Emily was. I could not count on all my digits how many times she saved my brains from spilling out on the mat thanks to fumbling bases. And people, if you think that cheerleaders would never lack any attention from the opposite gender, you'd be wrong. Emily may be a pretty ginger with natural auburn ringlets and a perfectly freckled nose, but her muscular and tall frame, and quick-thinking fearlessness usually didn't help her appeal to guys. They treat her like "one of the guys".

"That's great! Tell me more! How did you two meet?"

Emily's face suddenly became shy, her prior effusiveness distilling to a gentle smile.

"He's the first guy who has ever expressed interest in me. I really want things to work out, and I like, don't know his real name yet because we have been chatting under online nicks. We met on an Artemis Fowl fanfiction website. He liked a piece I wrote and gave me some wonderful and constructive pointers."

Oh. I understood immediately. They had not met each other face to face yet. I hoped whoever this person was, he wasn't catfishing her.

"It's ok, Emily. As long as you promise to tell me EVERYTHING then!" I replied. "Will you have time to date him before we leave for Texas? With all our upcoming practices plus the bake sale?"

"Hope so. He sounds eager enough. Aren't you excited to go Texas?"

"Definitely. I have been looking forward to it all year!"

"Varsity sure is action-packed. Regionals, State, fundraising, Nationals soon, then captainship tryouts the month after. I am starting to feel overwhelmed, especially now with school starting and practices almost everyday. Have you gotten any of your choreography ready?"

"I've been watching cheer vids all Christmas break for inspiration. I think I got one routine down already."

"In that case, are we still up for going to your place this Thursday for the baking? It's the only day we don't have practice this week. You can practice teaching it to us then, if we haven't expired from exhaustion from all the practices yet. I know we discussed the bake sale like eons ago. We must do the cucumber cure again soon. God knows I need it for my new guy!"

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