When You're Gone

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When you're gone,

My whole world stops.

My life is on hold.

Till I hear back from you.

When you're gone,

I start counting stars,

And bathe in the night's hapless cold,

To remind me of what I've lost.

When you're gone,

My gears stiffen and rust,

And I lose the will to go on,

Because you're not around.

When you're gone,

Days turn to nights,

And nights turn to days,

A show on reruns for no end.

When you're gone,

Everything is tuned on you.

My phone's on high, messages on the ready,

Just to hold on for you.

When you're gone,

I get smaller and smaller,

And my eyes get bigger and bigger,

And life becomes greyer altogether.

When you're gone,

I start to bear the unbearable,

And think the unthinkable,

As the months keep stretching themselves.

When you're gone,

I get madder than a starved rat,

Asking anyone, anywhere,

To know what has become of you.

When you're gone,

The embers start grinding into ash,

And I realize that it has happened,

What I hoped would never happen.

When you're gone,

I toll the bells all over,

And fire at the sky 21 times;

One last act I can do for you.

When you're gone,

I put our pictures in the attic,

But keep a few in my wallet,

To remind me of this great ride we had.

When you're gone,

I lose a piece of me,

That I will never have back,

That will be yours forever.

When you're gone,

I'll tell the world about you.

How you kept my spirits up,

And helped me keep my head high.

When you're gone,

You're really gone.

Soon I'll be gone,

And then we'll both be gone.

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